Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Still , he reckons that the bigger the mainframe , the cheaper relatively it is to buy — 10% cheaper , in fact , at the top than at the bottom end of the range .
2 It was interesting that at the controversial Chequers seminar on Germany six British and American experts voiced overwhelmingly favourable opinions about Germany and the Germans ( ‘ If Chancellor Kohl had sat in , he would have agreed with or accepted as fair comments 90 per cent of what was said ’ , commented one of them ) .
3 Games always result in a win-lose outcome where someone comes out on top but at the other person 's expense .
4 Even with everything mechanical working and at the right temperature , you can still unbalance the biological and most important part of the system very easily .
5 Yet it is inevitable that at the present time of confusion and reform we ask why we should be dependent upon these two great blocks of examinations , at these two particular points in a student 's school career .
6 The protocol at Ingard House was far more elaborate than at the head office of the bank .
7 The early divisions of the mouse embryo seem much more sloppy and between the 8- and 16-cell stages the surface of the clump of cells becomes smooth and at the 32-cell stage there is a single layer of cells enclosing some cells on the inside .
8 Create a proactive cultural awareness of risk issues at corporate and at the individual level .
9 Then , in the sixteenth century , what had been a military building was converted by the Albret dynasty , who were now the rulers here , into a sophisticated civilian one , suitable as a home for courtly pursuits — there are some fine Renaissance doorways and windows dating from that conversion on the left and at the far end of the very irregular courtyard into which you first go .
10 Firstly , when we were first discussing the sale , the market was somewhat more buoyant than at the present time .
11 At the one end it is very shallow and at the other end it is deep .
12 each publication or document sent to potential investors should be personalised or at the very least individually numbered or serialised ;
13 I am very happy that at the very moment you are admitted to your degree and become a graduate of the University of Nottingham I have the opportunity to shake your hand in congratulation .
14 So in my view design is absolutely fundamental and at the very core of most businesses .
15 Personalities apart , it is convenient that at the present time the following Departments should also be represented in the Cabinet — Home Office , Ministry of Labour and Board of Trade .
16 His leadership was never less disputed than at the present moment .
17 This makes monitoring and evaluation more difficult except at the casual , ‘ How do you feel it went ? ’ level .
18 Breast milk is always there , sterile and at the right temperature and strength .
19 In 1932 , for example , Mrs Q. D. Leavis had roundly condemned the cheapening and weakening influences of the popular press and popular novels which produced ‘ merely crude states of mind ’ and what she called ‘ the disintegration of the reading public ’ : ‘ The reading capacity of the general public , it must be concluded , has never been so low as at the present time . ’
20 Erm , just picking little bits , I mean er , we when we say actually what it is erm , annual report do we say the annual report to parents , or is it annual report just I know that that 's minor but at the actual top what do we actually call the thing that we 're presenting ?
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