Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [adj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Her tall , slender form was tightly swathed in a pink dress and she stepped warily across the uneven boards on white sandals with heels so high and narrow it seemed barely possible that they could support a human being .
2 I know how popular and successful it has become .
3 Understandably , this has been a bone of contention with many of the staff of the polytechnics ever since , who maintain that for teaching at degree level to be lively and effective it needs to be supported within the institution by an active research programme .
4 Blank and rugged it stared back at him , no more informative than the rest .
5 Even when he saw it being done he still would n't have known what was going on but unless you try it yourself , you do n't know what physical effect , or mental effect , it has on you and how speedy and intolerant it makes you of other people .
6 You ought to get like erm Soft and Gentle it does n't sting .
7 but if you use that Soft and Gentle it does n't hurt anyway .
8 It was as if both of them accepted the decision as inevitable after their conversation , however curious and illogical it seemed .
9 Superbly illustrated in both colour and black and white it provides a guide about what to see , where to see it and what to do in living railway history .
10 When I tried it on in Harvey Nichols it looked all right , but now I see it out here I realize how stupid and childish it looks . ’
11 We turned back to the sprawling baggage , so profuse and various it seemed organic , mushrooming in the rich compost of arrivals and departures .
12 It was n't much , compared to Store food , but to nomes who had spent all day hungry and miserable it smelled good .
13 By capturing , albeit in a somewhat crude form , what has previously been transient and ephemeral it points the way to a means whereby artistic judgment itself might be judged .
14 ‘ But when Jim , who 's not noted for his sense of humour , suddenly went all angry and superior it came as a bit of a shock for her . ’
15 That direction , however familiar and cosy it seems , is not back to rotas .
16 But bearing in mind the people Ford says the car is aimed at , the greatest surprise is just how cumbersome and unwieldy it feels on everyday journeys .
17 He took us to the Þingvellir National park where the clouds parted and the sun shone on square kilometres of snow that was so clean and pure it made me weep for all the time we had lost on the trip , and for the pleasure of being where I wanted to be .
18 But when I moved forward , my face was instantly smothered in cobweb so thick and heavy it seemed like damp , clinging rag .
19 Rachaela remembered how Mr Gerard had fired her , and how relevant and ominous it had been .
20 If an intervention is established as beneficial and worthwhile it forms part of medical practice .
21 It is for someone to support the person whilst they try to unravel their thoughts in such a way that it becomes clear that they can say anything , no matter how bizarre or odd it sounds , because that will be the way they sort out their feelings in order to cope with them .
22 A door opened and a light so bright and sudden it hurt their eyes spilled through from the back .
23 Just try saying that sentence out loud and see how pompous and unnatural it sounds .
24 The more I thought of that midnight face , the more intelligent and charming it became ; and it seemed too to have had a breeding , a fastidiousness , a delicacy , that attracted me as fatally as the local fishermen 's lamps attracted fish on moonless nights .
25 Horrible and impossible it enfolded the two women in its slimy obsceneness .
26 I think for every feeling , no matter how inward and personal it appears , the writer has to find something in the visible world which corresponds to it , to make it visible for the reader .
27 The concept of structure is replaced in Derrida 's writing by the concept of a chain of signification which avoids the dangers implicit in the notion of structure : by being open-ended and non-teleological it does away with any idea of a commanding entity within the system , and by having a temporal as well as a spatial dimension it can not itself be reduced to the status of entity or object .
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