Example sentences of "associate [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Though the principles of representative government are important to pluralists as embodying equal rights to vote , express opinion and associate with like-minded people for political ends , the individual citizen of a democracy needs to be able to join with others before an interest can be effectively mobilized .
2 It is itself required for the fulfilment of the task we usually associate with political authority .
3 Boston therefore suffers many of the ills which we associate with inner-city decline .
4 Quite apart from the cost factor , this growing-on of fish means that all the Japanese Koi have overcome the teething problems you associate with new imports .
5 Structural change is something we Europeans associate with other regions — Latin America , for example , or Asia .
6 He rightly points out that the subject of the active clause must preserve the impersonality we normally associate with passive structures in many European languages .
7 Denied political and civil space in most Arab society by undemocratic regimes of various kinds , many people make of such an image a confused by powerful instrument of criticism of their own rulers , never mind the powers which they associate with colonial history and contemporary world dominance .
8 A flat-calm water , clear sky and a bright quarter moon are not the sort of conditions we associate with good catches .
9 Machine-based production began , not only in textiles , but in a range of goods which were particularly sensitive to this type of flexible demand , and only later on concentrated on the heavier industrial goods we now particularly associate with factory-based machine production ( McKendrick 1983 : 31–2 ) .
10 In the New Testament Satan is much more the Evil One that we associate with Christian theology .
11 Ask anyone familiar with the City what they associate with corporate finance and like as not you will be told ‘ red braces , long lunches , big mouths , broad concepts ’ .
12 In the Qur'an , which is the most sacred text of Moslems , God is more often described in terms of generalised epithets that we normally associate with human life — for instance , Hearer , Keeper , Guide and Pardoner .
13 The ‘ objective ’ language which Olson , Lyons and others are so concerned to identify , and which they incorrectly associate with written language , turns out not to be so functional after all .
14 Another mechanism may be that certain VH genes , directed against antigens which are important to the IgG response in ulcerative colitis , preferentially associate with particular CH genes in the ulcerative colitis population .
15 He said all members of the Defence Forces signed an oath when they joined pledging that they would not associate with illegal organisations and this new vetting measure was an insult to those who risked their lives in the fight against terrorism .
16 He had overcome the main drawback of living in the country at Etten , since now he could associate with other artists , exchange views , be stimulated by the work and lives of others with whom he had something in common .
17 It does , interestingly , erm , as I think I mentioned earlier , it does associate with other auto-immune diseases and thus one can have somebody with miocenia gravis who may themselves have over active thyroid , which is an auto-immune disease , or may have other members of the family with the same disorder .
18 There were lines around her mouth and eyes , and a kind of earnestness which he did not associate with prepubertal girls .
19 I , even as a friend and a colleague of the staff notice it strongly in little points of racism , all the time constantly there , it gets beyond a joke , I 've lost friends in the school or I do n't associate with certain members of staff purely because of the constant jibing which eventually gets beyond a joke .
20 Crabtree and Evelyn is not a name I would instantly associate with culinary excellence — though I always knew they could make you smell nice .
21 One such friend has recalled how observant and amusing he could be , how quick to comment upon other people 's expressions or appearance which he would associate with psychological traits .
22 ‘ Change is not a word that one would readily associate with academic bookselling , but it is being visited upon us and we must respond . ’
23 The pub has one of those eccentrically eclectic menus that you might associate with lesser pub food .
24 The classification is made more complicated because some α subunits can associate with different β subunits ( for example , α6β1 and α6β4 ) .
25 The spirit of high adventure is n't one you 'd normally associate with Commercial Paper .
26 Accompanied by an excellent dry Franconian wine , it was a delight to eat and very clever in its balance of colour , flavour and texture , something I do not always associate with German cuisine .
27 As we shall see , a gene may increase in frequency not because it increases the fitness of its carrier but because it associates with other genes that do , or even because it is in a sense parasitic on other genes .
28 This can explain why some dogs dislike an owner of one sex , or children , whom it associates with previous maltreatment .
29 Linked with this is the notion that writing is responsible for the distinction between myth and history and this distinction , like the idea of logic , he associates with classical Greece .
30 Cambridge also contained a strong ‘ republican ’ group at this time , and while there is no proof that Wordsworth joined them at the University we find that he freely associated with ex-Cambridge liberals after his return from France in 1793 .
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