Example sentences of "assume to be " in BNC.

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1 Most people say that in an ideal world they would assume to be spending roughly double on entertainment of all kinds , compared with when they were working .
2 Can you identify features which you have assumed a receiver of your description will assume to be present by default ( i.e. features of the building which do not diverge from what you presume to be shared between your ‘ building schema ’ and a potential receiver 's ) ?
3 The remark was tinged with the suggestion that she would like a witness , apart from Marshall whom she could reasonably assume to be biased in Wickham 's favour .
4 The main point about this example was to show that social roles which speakers of English would ordinarily assume to be alternative titles for the same individual , e.g. , " father " , " husband " , " begetter of wife 's children " , are not only distinguishable but may be distributed in quite unexpected ways .
5 By the textuality of history , I mean to suggest , firstly , that we can have no access to a full and authentic past , a lived material existence , unmediated by the surviving textual traces of the society in question — traces whose survival we can not assume to be merely contingent but must rather presume to be at least partially consequent upon complex and subtle social processes of preservation and effacement ; and secondly , that those textual traces are themselves subject to subsequent textual mediations when they are construed as the ‘ documents ’ upon which historians ground their own texts , called histories .
6 There she found herself ensconced in a huge grey suede and chrome armchair , clutching a hefty measure of Scotch , and staring blankly around at what she could only assume to be the ‘ minimalist ’ style of interior decoration .
7 Brahe works on the CERN accelerator ( which the novel assumes to be completed and functioning ) ; his experiment involves close and constant watching of the monitor which will tell him when the ‘ event ’ has taken place .
8 Given ( or old ) information is that knowledge which the speaker assumes to be in the consciousness of the addressee at the time of the utterance .
9 If on arrival he hands them over to someone whom he reasonably assumes to be authorised to receive them , then he has carried out his duty of delivery , Galbraith and Grant v. Block ( 1922 K.B. ) .
10 He was unsurprised to find her packed off firmly to take his sister home , leaving him as a person of major importance in what he instantly assumed to be a real murder .
11 There were dots in some of the distant fields which I assumed to be sheep .
12 The younger said in Arabic what I assumed to be , ‘ Hey , have you seen this ? ’
13 The integrated approach to learning in a business or community context may begin to challenge some of the notions of curriculum content assumed to be unproblematic .
14 It is a standard result that the Hall resistance in a strong field is B/ne , where n is the two-dimensional density of mobile electrons , assumed to be free , independent particles .
15 However , I would also like to remind him that I wrote in response to a report which I assumed to be factual .
16 ‘ On one occasion , I rang his home and a woman I assumed to be his wife answered .
17 On the morning after the prince 's departure , carrying out a plan known as yet to only six persons , the queen-dowager bade farewell to the damsel everyone assumed to be the lady Anne .
18 When viewing behaviour the firm is , in effect , given the benefit of the doubt and assumed to be operating in a competitive manner unless and until some cause for concern is expressed .
19 the imposition and acceptance of earlier retirement ; the legitimation of low income ; the denial of rights to self determination in institutions ; and the construction of community services for recipients assumed to be predominantly passive .
20 Male carers are often omitted from detailed study because they are seen to be unimportant or assumed to be so few in number .
21 It took an hour to free the Nissan from what I assumed to be its grave , and persuade its bent and battered metal to press on southwards .
22 That part of the image which had the most resonance both with elderly workers and their employers was that of ‘ retirement impact ’ — that is , of the physical and mental ill effects assumed to be associated with retirement .
23 The actors , however , are subject to pressures and constraints arising from the environmental setting in which they operate , assumed to be given and exogenously determined .
24 Clearly pupils can not be treated as identical , assumed to be already equal , as though racism and sexism did not exist .
25 Their assumption that this could be ignored , and the data assumed to be objective representations of crime and criminality , was to prove to be one of their greatest weaknesses , as we shall see in the next chapter .
26 As I flew the approach I observed quite a tall tree on the threshold , which I assumed to be the obstruction .
27 Susanna held out a thin , freckled hand , and parted heavily glossed lips in what Christina assumed to be a smile .
28 Turning around , she found herself facing the dark , handsome-looking woman who 'd arrived with Ross Aldridge and whom Diane assumed to be his wife .
29 Carson stood in the open quadrangle of tended plants and empty benches that he assumed to be the ‘ garden area in the middle ’ , and looked around .
30 No one had taken much notice of the woman Blanche assumed to be the attempted assassin , and Dexter garnered a description that could have fitted Christine Mills — and a hundred other women equally well .
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