Example sentences of "depend [adv] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 In the past , most major medical advances have depended crucially on animal studies — vaccines , antibiotics , insulin for diabetes and kidney transplants are just a few examples .
2 In many cases , identification of workers with the enterprise which employs them may be only weakly formed but again a community of interest may be established at this level , depending perhaps on the degree of ‘ paternalism ’ of the management , the character of employment conditions in the enterprise , and the degree of craft skill or other interesting aspect of work within the enterprise .
3 The School Mathematics Project books are more abstract than many , depending less on pictures .
4 Robert Bakker and the AAAS report notwithstanding , animal metabolism is a rather complicated subject , depending greatly for clarity on the precise definition of terms .
5 The various weights that the four fundamental activities can have , the controls imposed and the roles defined for individuals and departments , will vary for particular design processes depending greatly on the type of product being developed .
6 In this way there was in human history a cumulative build up of knowledge and success in adaptation to the environment which made human beings very quick to adapt to new problems — much more easily and quickly than if they had depended only on genetic transmission .
7 He spoke of nothing so much as his guilt at having depended only upon his own staff for security .
8 This is especially the case in rural communities , many villages depending entirely on just one pub .
9 Walking : There are a wide variety of walks to be had , from very gentle to very strenuous , depending entirely on what you want .
10 What there has been is a steady process of learning that management and business is a pragmatic matter depending entirely on people and how they react .
11 The forecasts period can cover 7 days , 11 days , 30 days or 90 days , depending entirely on management policy .
12 It is not simply that these areas suffer from deprivation and poverty , but there is a danger of many outer estates , in particular , becoming areas which have a quite different social and economic system , operating almost at subsistence level , depending entirely on the public sector , where the opportunities for improvement either through self-help or through outside intervention are minimal .
13 ‘ Citizen ’ John , ‘ a little Stout Man with dark cropt Hair ’ , carried with him a dangerous reputation as an atheist , a mob orator and a Jacobin , and in 1794 had spent several months in the Tower of London before being tried and acquitted on a charge of high treason.l– His relationship with Coleridge had hitherto depended entirely on their animated and frequently argumentative correspondence .
14 In each case there can be no doubt that the advantages offered by the trust over the civil-law method were significant : performance in specie was a real possibility in each case ; that this was so depended entirely on the fact that trusts were subject to a different procedural order .
15 It would be misleading to imply that there were only three strata of funeral existing at the end of the sixteenth century — monarchial , noble and guild ; what one had depended entirely on one 's status .
16 We were a long way from Orange , isolated in the farmhouse , and we knew how unpleasant the next month was going to be depended entirely on the whims of the staff .
17 It had struggled from beginning to end , had depended entirely on charity throughout its four-year existence , and now the girls working there were being irresponsibly left destitute .
18 For millennia the people along its banks have depended entirely on its bounty .
19 How good the meal was depended entirely on what the cook was like , you could n't believe the difference .
20 Each professor has a right to money and manpower resources depending only on his level of seniority and not on his track record in research .
21 This is a formidable task even for a human navigator , but as we have found out in the past few years , the bees ' trigonometric adjustments are perfectly mindless , depending only on a memory of the Sun 's azimuth relative to the bee 's goal on the previous trip ( or day ) and an extrapolation of the Sun 's current rate of azimuth movement .
22 In the face of a petition such as this , backed by the signatures of 105 of Stockport 's most eminent and respected citizens , the Goldsmiths were in an awkward position , which they decided to resolve by re-reading Sir Edmond 's will , to see what the Founder himself had intended : a classical school ( teaching Greek and Latin ) , without fees or social distinctions , but depending only on a willingness to learn .
23 And she was n't depending only on her instinct — yesterday he had come home too late to go to the Sabbath commencement service and looking very tired .
24 These " Kerr " black holes rotate at a constant rate , their size and shape depending only on their mass and rate of rotation .
25 This may either affect the integrity of the complexes ( DMS also methylates proteins ) or , depending crucially on the composition of the binding buffer , strongly decrease the solubility and/or diffusibility of DMS and thus interfere with the final yield of the modification reaction .
26 Aesthetically the giant turbines can pose problems , depending literally on your vantage point .
27 The inconsistency of demanding frankness and openness from the African while practising a form of government depending largely on influence wielded behind closed doors seems not to have troubled the British ; they assumed that it was precisely their own qualities of straightforwardness and transparent honesty which would effect the required transformation in the African character .
28 The effectiveness usually lasts for some weeks , but is variable , depending largely on the amount of new growth being produced , and therefore the rate at which the toxic content is being diluted , and the speed of living — called the metabolic rate — which affects the rate at which the plant is able to break down and divest itself of what after all is a ‘ foreign body ’ .
29 In this and the next section we consider general ideas and illustrate them with various flows ( depending largely on the best illustrations available ) .
30 In varying degrees these had rich Jacobean and baroque interiors in contrast to the simple interiors in contrast to the simple interiors of the 1820s and 1830s which had depended largely on rich marble Louis chimney-pieces and high quality papers .
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