Example sentences of "claim [conj] it " in BNC.

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1 That there was a pattern for her in Lermontov 's novel is conceivable : but it ca n't be claimed that it fits her with exactitude , or that it provides an explanation of her conduct .
2 The ‘ vehicle ’ is footsteered and some have claimed that it has helped their gybing tremendously .
3 In 1950 a polled Finnish bull was imported — and more than one Irishman has claimed that it was in fact an Irish Moiled , in the firm belief that all polled Scandinavian cattle were descended from polled Irish cattle seized by raiding Norsemen and Danes .
4 The British petroleum industry has claimed that it is uneconomic to produce 97 octane lead-free fuel .
5 When the company was trying to stimulate confidence amongst its backers , Nimslo proudly claimed that it had ‘ received ’ nearly £3 million in government grants to tool up for British production at the Timex factory in Dundee .
6 With its aim of achieving ‘ a greater unity between its Members for the purpose of safeguarding and realising the ideals and principles which are their common heritage and facilitating their economic and social progress ’ , the new body became Western Europe 's first postwar political organisation , one which immediately and daringly claimed that it would work for ‘ an economic and political union ’ .
7 However , USL has recently claimed that it will configure Destiny to run applications of all persuasions — including Solaris — ( UX No 380 ) , Zander says ‘ if they can do that they 're better than anyone in the world . ’
8 Nobody has claimed that it can clear the infectious organism , HIV , from a person 's system .
9 Many would have claimed that it served none , that it was but the result of the Fall and of sin , and that it brought only harm and hurt to the world .
10 The high proportion of royalists looks embarrassing not only for Merton 's thesis but for variants of it which have claimed that it was the political radicalism ( not the puritanism ) of the parliamentary radicals that made them receptive to revolutionary science .
11 It could , for example , no longer be claimed that it was unrepresentative of the men .
12 UNITA , which had unilaterally downgraded the status of its delegation shortly before the talks , further claimed that it had already made concessions including the recognition of the ruling MPLA as a political party , and of President dos Santos as head of state .
13 It was claimed that it made rural communities vulnerable to guerrilla reprisals .
14 It could be claimed that it is unacceptable for public money to be used to fund the Commissioner , especially when it is remembered that legal aid is not available for legal representation before Industrial Tribunals , for example , for unfair dismissal claims .
15 The company previously claimed that it had used biodegradable cardboard packaging since 1957 .
16 Staff at the Commission have claimed that it has insufficient funds to do this .
17 The working party has claimed that it routinely alters MRLs for food .
18 The government initially claimed that it had no prior notice of the Commission 's intention to initiate proceedings , but it was later disclosed that this had been the subject of correspondence between the Commission and the Department of Transport .
19 Harry Gent , at any rate , always claimed that it arose from the numerous illegal cockfights that were held in the cellar .
20 Competitors have claimed that it would be easier for independent suppliers to break into the market if the purchasing power of the former state monopoly was diminished by breaking up the business .
21 Meanwhile , a self-declared ring-leader , Paul Taylor , shouting from the roof tops , has claimed that it was all just a sit-in protest that got out of control .
22 Damage caused to non-business property can be claimed if it exceeds £275 in value .
23 If a testator has left a legacy of something belonging to him and has alienated it as a consequence of urgent necessity , the trust can be claimed unless it should be shown that the testator intended to adeem it : moreover proof of changed intention is to be required from the heirs .
24 Then I remembered Stephen Roskill telling me not to believe a word Mountbatten said or claimed unless it was corroborated from other sources .
25 Military experts suggested yesterday that the US was hoping its troops would be attacked by the pro-Noriega forces , allowing Washington to claim that it was attacked first and forced to intervene .
26 But , on balance , the government seemed able to claim that it had turned the tide , albeit with the aid of £2 billions from North Sea oil to swing the balance into surplus .
27 Obviously , it is in a ‘ plugger 's ’ interest to claim that it was his or her work which made a record into a hit , but if you employ a ‘ plugger ’ it is worth being sceptical when deciding what to believe .
28 It is also illegal for manufacturers to give their product a misleading name , or to claim that it is made of a particular ingredient which in fact makes up a very small proportion of the product .
29 Abolitionists successfully used the convention drastically to reduce the freedom of parliamentary action and to claim that it was more representative of national opinion than the legislature .
30 But if someone were to claim that it would be a better world without birds and bears , trees and rivers , and the Dani people , then we would have to assume that they were either joking , lying , or crazy .
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