Example sentences of "[adv] close at hand " in BNC.

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1 He had not seen her so close at hand for months .
2 It was hoped that , in present circumstances , the drawbridge would not be up nor the portcullis down , with the enemy army camped so close at hand , and its leaders no doubt either in the castle or lodged in houses in the town .
3 Obviously I enjoyed having the opportunity to watch any nesting birds so close at hand — I could reach out of my bedroom window , when Mum was n't around , and feel right inside the nest — but many of the neighbours looked on the house martins as pests who infested their property and made a mess .
4 How was it that one of the exiled sons of Aethelfrith was so close at hand ( and another not far behind ) and in a position to assume the kingship of the Bernicians when Eadwine fell ?
5 With Stella so close at hand it was necessary to make the conversation with her aunt brief and to the point , although with Bertha this was not always easy .
6 It was an urgent enquiring call as though they thought Hugh was still close at hand .
7 They spent two years organising the site , getting volunteers from not only Britain , but abroad as well , and making sure that while the battle may have been seventeenth century , twentieth century comforts were still close at hand .
8 Here , Parsons points out , the task of socialization may be much simpler in our culture for girls , because the role-model — the mother-is usually close at hand around the home and the daughter can imitate her behaviour much more readily .
9 A large crocodile-skin cigar case was usually close at hand .
10 The pint glass of Tennants Extra that was always close at hand might empty rapidly , but it was the only outward sign that Chris was feeling the pressure .
11 Freehand , closed freehand , arc , pie wedge , open polygon , and open bezier tools can be called up from a pull down menu or you can add them to your own customised toolbox so that the most frequently tools are always close at hand .
12 In some places like the Scottish library the subject and authors are listed in alphabetical system but places like the Edinburgh Room there is a class catalogue but all are easy to use and if there is any problems the library staff are always close at hand .
13 Tennis courts and various boutiques are also close at hand .
14 Also close at hand were the Queen 's camp , the camp of the pages and the royal kitchens with , not far off , the great tent used for the court of justice , and the quarters of the two commanders-in-chief , of the Abuna or archbishop , of the state officials and the nobility .
15 They would have been close at hand my Lord erm I just do n't know , it may be that , I think they were probably in a vehicle also close at hand ready to .
16 All was silent except for the automatic fire fairly close at hand , somewhere down by the crossroads .
17 A final consideration when deciding upon the location of the pool is the proximity of an electrical supply , for , if a fountain or waterfall is contemplated , the supply should be fairly close at hand .
18 Yes , there it was again , a stealthy sound , quite close at hand .
19 Wherever you go , there will always be a mountain gasthaus somewhere close at hand to keep you fed and watered .
20 Somewhere close at hand a bird sang in a paean of thrilling and triumphant sweetness , and she heard its song echoed in her own heart .
21 I had been playing for about five minutes when there was a very loud explosion very close at hand .
22 In this landscape , which Richard learned to know well , the idea of a holy war against the Saracens must have seemed very real and very close at hand .
23 It was a small , stuffy room , and yet I distinctly felt a chill in the air , like a draught , and I knew that it must be coming from that other world my uncle had told me about , and that the threshold to it was somewhere very close at hand .
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