Example sentences of "[noun sg] around the sun " in BNC.

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1 The analysis of Mercury 's motion commences with the statement that Mercury follows a geodesic in the Schwarzschild space–time around the Sun .
2 I set out the sunset quickly starting with the yellow around the sun and growing darker and more towards blue as I moved out from the centre , using a mixture of water and ox gall to make the paint stay wet .
3 In fact , of course , even someone who is stationary on the earth is moving at about 18.6 miles ( 30 kilometers ) a second around the sun .
4 The earth is trying to move on a straight line through space-time , but the curvature of space-time produced by the mass of the sun causes it to go in a circle around the sun .
5 Constantly colliding ‘ supergrains ’ would cohere increasingly under the redistributive influence of transferred angular momentum , aided by a gradually shrinking volume of space around the Sun .
6 I thought we decided there was n't any need to have a mental picture — a picture of the wonkyness of the three-dimensional space around the Sun , or Earth .
7 The calculation of the orbit of a photon in Schwarzschild space around the Sun follows the same steps as that for material particles given in Section 8.1 .
8 And the detectors ' stability means that they can even measure radiation from the faint cloud of dust around the sun which produces the zodiacal light .
9 One typical law is Kepler 's relation between the period P of a planet 's motion around the sun , and the radius R of its orbit :
10 The forces acting on the 30 mg masses along the Sun-Earth axis are the gravitational attraction of the Sun ( ) , the centrifugal force due to motion around the sun ( ) , and a pull from the balance ( F ) .
11 The Earth does n't take a circular path around the sun so it passes it quickly sometimes and slowly at other times .
12 Soon after , in 1919 , Eddington organized an expedition to the island of Principé which photographed the star field around the Sun during a solar eclipse .
13 Other factors can alter the Earth 's climate from millennium to millennium and decade to decade , including slight changes in its orbit around the Sun , and the effects of greenhouse are superimposed on these other factors .
14 So , as our planet moves on its yearly orbit around the sun , the northern hemisphere is angled towards the sun for part of the year , and the southern hemisphere is tilted towards it for the other part .
15 The natural assumption was that the electrons were in orbit around the nucleus as the earth is in orbit around the sun .
16 In particular , it was believed that the speed of light ought to change as the earth moves through the ether on its orbit around the sun .
17 It is just possible that this far-off configuration will be unstable , and that the Sun will draw the Moon away into an independent orbit around the Sun , leaving the Earth Moon-less .
18 For a body moving in orbit around the Sun the surface facing the direction of orbital motion will be struck by more ‘ bullets ’ than the trailing face , just like the front of you gets wetter than the back when you run through a storm of vertically descending rain .
19 How long does it take Mercury 's residual precession of the perihelion to rotate the semi-major axis of Mercury 's orbit around the Sun once ?
20 Use the arguments outlined in section 7.1 to account for a synchronization of a planet in an eccentric orbit around the Sun .
21 And if we look at the planets of our solar system , lo and behold , every single one of them is travelling at exactly the right velocity to keep it in its stable orbit around the Sun .
22 The planets orbit around the sun .
23 The daily spin of the Earth , the roughly monthly orbit of the moon , and the yearly passage of the Earth around the sun , were all used to measure the flow of time .
24 In Temperate regions there are regular seasonal cycles , ultimately driven by the regular cycling of the Earth around the sun .
25 Discuss whether the planet is in synchronous rotation around the Sun .
26 This was sufficiently close to the sidereal orbital period of 87.97 days for it to be generally concluded that Mercury was in synchronous rotation around the Sun , and therefore that the sidereal axial period was also 87.97 days .
27 Indeed , Mercury is in a form of synchronous rotation around the Sun .
28 Mars moves in an ellipse around the sun .
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