Example sentences of "[conj] they [modal v] [to-vb] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The in-house cinema ( ‘ where they used to watch porn movies , ’ speculate the new occupiers ) , complete with massive Soviet projectors , is now used for film shows that would have caused apoplectic fits among the old inhabitants .
2 And then Lily Moore had suggested that it was n't fair , that they ought to take turns at the pulpit and the font .
3 to feel by duty as it were that they ought to take notice of their immediate family .
4 To feel , by duty as it were , that they ought to take notice of their immediate family , John and Maryann are capable of financially supporting themselves , so I do n't worry about the money aspect and in every other way physiologically , emotionally , immorally they , they are able to look after themselves Neil is n't .
5 Paint , red paint that they used to paint railway wa er railway carriages .
6 Obviously a transfer of allegiance in the feudal way was much less of a strain than the submergence of a national spirit , and there was a great difference between the national spirit of Englishmen and the allegiance to the King of France or to the Great Moghul felt by the inhabitants of New France and of Bengal ; if the inhabitants of Bengal had felt that they were citizens of the nation of Bengal it would hardly have been possible for them to change to feeling they were Englishmen , but for them to feel that they used to owe allegiance to the Nawab of Bengal and now owed it to the British businessmen who had conquered the Nawab was not such a difficult transition .
7 That they used to have waiters and tables with silver , plated silver
8 And they ought to form value of what , so they know how much it 's worth , what the company that 's gon na earn them the money want the money for the valuation .
9 And then after that when the ship was finished , then they used to sort that all out , the timber , different sizes , then y and then or were there , their own people to stack the timber and when they stacked it , they stacked it and they used to put splines between each layer of timber and that was to season the timber .
10 So one of the ways was , at that time the Co-op used to have a horse and cart coming round the streets , fruits and , and they used to sell rabbits .
11 It was only Sunday services but er we did occasionally have , cos you do n't get a wedding every day , but we did sing occasionally at the weddings , the biggest service was at Easter when there was quite a performance at Easter yes Joh Johnny he was a he was in the choir and he 's , there was another woman that might be interested a Mrs in Street during the fourteen war they used to have the Red Cross collection and they 'd organize processions round round the streets collecting for the Red Cross and they used to knit socks and send them out and all that sort of thing
12 And they used to catch pheasants and er I had to clean I had to pluck these pheasants and er birds and get them ready and ready for them to put in the oven .
13 I 've seen them towing across the sky with Beecham 's Pills written on them er it was a familiar sight in Walsall at the time , and also sometimes they had a plane sky-writing and they used to write Rinso in smoke in the sky .
14 And they used to make coltsfoot wine .
15 And they , they , we was on the floor and they used to make shit out of her I 'm telling ya .
16 Which was a bakers and confectioners , they used to er bake at the , they got the er the bakehouse at the back and they used to make confectionery and high class bread .
17 And they used to send orders is n't it It was nothing to see fifty items on an order .
18 Do you know we had bales of , bales of til tins all pressed together as big as that machine , yeah and they 'd dump into the ship and they used to have magnets , put 'em into a net and these er bales of tins , any old tins , they used to find , used to go in there , we used to tip 'em , we used to tip them into the hold they cut the ship right up and that that 's what we 're getting back in motor cars now .
19 Well every , you know erm I can remember the time er when I first went and they used to have silver er plated of course , silver plated water jugs on the counter and silver plated sugar bowls with tongs and loaf sugar for people to use and of course well and when you see the war came along , you see , they were all taken away because , you see , we had troop trains we were up day and night so the troops with tea .
20 We used to go up there for our breaks as well morning and afternoon and they used to have dances sometimes in the evening .
21 Yes and they used to have dances there . .
22 Next door , they 'd got a lot of kids and they used to play marbles , and they used to bounce on these concrete floors .
23 Cos they used to have gates with er two or three inches apart , you know and I 'd got ta have a projection .
24 Yes , but they used to say cigar smoking 's not as bad as cigarette smoking .
25 Well , they did do it , but they used to recharge residents for unadopted sewers .
26 Not as I remember no funnily enough but they used to have people who , who went out to work at different airports after the planes had gone out they used to have gangs that went out to Perton and er we used to draw equipment from er the maintenance un RAF maintenance unit at Stafford things used to come from there .
27 During the war , peregrines were declared a pest because they used to attack carrier pigeons and prevent messages reaching their destination .
28 The Parochial Church Council had actually discussed whether they ought to install railings and a gate , but that had seemed uncharitable and there were more important things to spend their money on .
29 So I think the , the answer is we 're going to see a variety of things , there is a tendency I think amongst er Soviet Citizens at the moment to regard the market economy as they used to regard communism , that 's to say there 's a kind of ideal which will bring about universal prosperity , and relief on all their worries .
30 Tribunals are an essential check on the powers of officialdom but at the moment they do not work as well as they should to ensure justice in welfare provision .
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