Example sentences of "[conj] have [vb pp] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 All rich , strange and remote , as if it had never happened or had happened to another person .
2 From what you know or have heard about each one , can you say whether you are generally satisfied or not satisfied with the service that each one provides ?
3 Most of us know , or have encountered in some way , an example of someone who speaks his mind , and does so with such gentleness and grace he rarely alienates anyone .
4 We write to express astonishment at the standard of writing that has featured in much of your pre-election coverage .
5 His answer , however , was infected with the same problem of vague wording that has featured in all his replies .
6 The historical progression that has led to this can , at the price of great oversimplification , be seen as follows .
7 Central Council is most grateful for the generous support that has led to this successful outcome .
8 ‘ Conveniently ’ would be a better word , and would refer , correctly , to the ugly cowardice that has led to this bloody mess .
9 For all the first-glance goriness that has led to several bans , Jim Rose 's surreal sideshow is too fantastical and funny to be taken seriously , says Craig McLean
10 Through subsidies the state has established a vast ‘ social salary ’ to make life easier for workers and it takes a pride in the extensiveness of the welfare system that has developed from this .
11 However , when considering income inequality , it is the income distribution among individuals that has emerged as most useful .
12 The new feature that has emerged from this study of the parallelistic couplet is not so much the identification of a particular relationship of the lines of the couplet ( greater precision ) as a movement towards a statement of relationships within the poetic couplet .
13 One theme that has emerged throughout this book , however , and which has been reinforced by the analysis presented in this chapter , is the importance of religion in determining people 's political identity .
14 The controversy that has arisen over this issue in recent days emphasises the importance of proceeding with this investigation with all possible speed and effectiveness .
15 The close association that has existed over many years between geophysicists and engineering geologists in multidisciplinary projects at BGS will be enhanced by bringing these staff into one group .
16 The Full Plans method is the old system that has existed for many years , whereby detailed plans of your proposal are submitted in duplicate , along with an application form .
17 All the development aid that has gone to many third world countries comes back twofold and threefold through interest payments on the debt , underpayment for commodities and the over-profitability of multinational corporations .
18 When you consider the relentless quest for the luxury that has gone into each and every one , the cost of purchasing such a lodge does not seem excessive .
19 They are all part of the advertising and marketing that the parties believe has an effect on the voters — while failing to notice that this effect is generally in inverse proportion to the amount of thought , work or effort that has gone into any individual contribution .
20 Books on railways are generally expensive in these inflated days but considering the amount of work that has gone into this volume and the specialist nature of the work then £7.95 represents excellent value .
21 That is not systematic momegliture that has gone like that for ten years universities still use it !
22 It is not only the Conservative party that has asked for such an explanation ; Labour supporters and sympathisers have done so as well .
23 A major factor that has contributed to this has been the process of acquisition , by which firms get taken over and merged into larger companies .
24 The title of this work suggests that it is an essay in the sociology of transport , a subject that has crept into some degree and other courses at University level .
25 Mr X is managing director of a limited company that has traded for several years .
26 Secondly we have not heard of anything that has changed in this county since nineteen eighty sufficient to warrant or justify in this alteration the addition of a policy the effect of which , one one with a similar effect having been thrown out at that time .
27 But yesterday , in a reaction as unpredictable as everything that has happened during this tumultuous week , the Soviet Union welcomed its collapse .
28 On economic development , we have failed to pursue the policies of partnership between Government and industry which are commonplace elsewhere in Europe and which involve not only management but trade unions and workers ' representatives in a much more positive way than anything that has happened under this Government .
29 In view of everything that has happened since that time , this distinction is important .
30 It is the sort of thing that has happened to most of us .
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