Example sentences of "[conj] [vb base] it [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly : ( 10 ) I only offered her legal advice will , under one natural interpretation , refer to advice on legal matters ; and it will continue to do so even if in some rare case it is given under circumstances that mean it is offered illegally itself , for example if it makes use of secret information stolen from a government which prohibits unauthorized possession or transmission of secret government information ; on the other hand , as a phrase of English , it can perfectly well bear the other interpretation under which it means advice which is itself legal , in the sense that it is legally given , in which case it may concern any subject under the sun .
2 It is considered of the first importance that young persons should receive correct and permanent impressions on this subject and to assist in securing that object it is intended to exhibit a model of a SLAVE SHIP which was recently captured upon the coast of Africa .
3 Like the horn and trumpet it is furnished with valves , but has four of these instead of three in order to give a complete chromatic scale from its fundamental note .
4 The ZX Spectrum and Easy Programming attack the same problem area — what the hell do you do once you have unpacked your computer , tried to understand the manual , and realise it is written by people who seem to have forgotten that most of their readers will be neophytes ?
5 However , if one party is to bear the costs of the other it is important to specify this in the heads and ensure it is binding on all parties .
6 Erm , and then I just thought I 'd finally conclude a bright , cos I think it , it 's like how I see myself at work , erm with showing you where our work comes from erm and basically you 've got all these arrows coming in and er sometimes you do have a sense of feeling quite bombarded with requests for work , but the main , I mean the main formal source of our work is the local government sub committee , which is erm , like Mary was referring to earlier , every department or unit in our in the Council have to formally report and get it 's work through by a Council committee , our committee is the local government sub committee and it formally sets our work programme once a year , and I our priorities , it also comes up with other things it would like us to do by the way , during the course of the year , so erm , that includes Mary as well . .
7 Rapturous as the circumstances of its conception may have been , the genesis as a whole could only , in retrospect , seem an extraordinarily painful business , as he intimated to Rohde shortly after the book was out : " No one has any idea how such a book comes into being : the trouble and torment it is to keep oneself as clear as this of other ideas pressing in from all sides ; the courage needed to conceive of it and the honesty needed to carry it through ; and above all , perhaps , my tremendous task vis-à-vis Wagner , which has certainly been the cause of many heavy clouds in my heart " the task of being independent even here , of taking up an , as it were , alienated stance . "
8 you open the door up and have a look and see it 's pouring down with rain and you do n't like going out today
9 If you are trying to go high , get on to oxygen and check it is flowing correctly before you need it .
10 But suppose it is stolen ? ’
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