Example sentences of "[conj] [adv] [verb] [to-vb] that " in BNC.

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1 The question of his knowing , or possibly failing to know that he is in the state he says he is in does not arise .
2 By an amended respondent 's notice the natural mother supported the local authority 's appeal on the grounds advanced by their notice of appeal and further or alternatively sought to contend that the judge ( 1 ) had been wrong in law , fact or both to hear and determine the applications for leave when the mother was not a party to the applications and was not aware of them and the judge had not been apprised properly or at all of her wishes in the matter ; ( 2 ) had acted contrary to the rules of natural justice and to section 10(9) ( d ) ( ii ) of the Act of 1989 ; and ( 3 ) ought to have required the mother to be notified of the application pursuant to rule 4.3(2) ( b ) of the Family Proceedings Rules 1991 , rule 4.4 and Appendix III .
3 Instead we are talking about a series of complex configurations of politics , economics and ideology that recursively interact to guarantee that it is not possible to understand what is happening in the local economies of Glasgow , Liverpool or Birmingham in the UK or Baltimore , New York or Toronto in North America without reference to inner city policies wedded to a particular form of symbolic , frequently spectacular , regeneration .
4 He had begun to feel that he was persecuted by devils , and eventually came to believe that the Egyptian god Osiris controlled his will .
5 It happens all the time — the question is merely an opener to fulfilling a wish to own something new , and merely seeks to confirm that the purchase is a worthy one .
6 I was chatting to her one lunch-time and just happened to mention that I kept and bred barn owls .
7 He checked the police ID cards , and finally had to accept that the police would vouch for the social workers .
8 He sounded like a man who had tried every permutation to unlock a safe , and finally had to admit that he was baffled .
9 He keeps up their morale and always remembers to see that they are thanked properly .
10 So here was an instance of the son of a local worthy insisting on recording his name differently from his father , making sure the charge was not described as a mangonel , and further trying to ensure that any of his father 's descendants who sought to use the arms should spell their name Magnall , a form from which it is difficult if not impossible to divine the relevance and punning nature of the heraldic charge .
11 Ministers are reluctant to believe that Your Majesty 's resolve is irrevocable and still venture to hope that before Your Majesty pronounces any formal decision Your Majesty may be pleased to reconsider an intention which must so deeply and so vitally affect all Your Majesty 's subjects .
12 Certain individuals may have overstepped the mark and still seem to imagine that you are either too insecure or emotionally confused to retaliate , but you will achieve a great deal more by remaining aloof this month , especially around the 4th and 15th when the Sun is challenged by Neptune and Saturn .
13 Er and take into consideration er Act since nineteen eighty five but it does exist er and also tend to agree that we do need a , a , er transport policy which actually takes er into consideration all er members of transport but the main point about this and Chris actually raises the point , er he referred to shopping it if we support the terminal five erm planning application but we say it has n't been doing it , er on the consideration we get these other things which are on shopping list , then you are actually erm forcing the government that you have er , er and this integrated policy , the driving for in the long run .
14 The use of this equipment should obviate this problem and also helps to ensure that the sphincterotomy continues in the correct direction .
15 It says it wants a fairer system of awarding contracts and also seeks to ensure that the taxpayer , via the Treasury , gets a proper return for the use of a scarce resource .
16 N C V O needs to be sharing its knowledge , its information and general resources with its members , and also needs to ensure that its work is firmly grounded in the experience and knowledge of the plethora of voluntary organisations and charities , with which contact is maintained on a regular basis .
17 All bills for departing guests must be made up and double checked to ensure that all charges have been posted to them ( Fig. 3.8(c) , Fig. 3.30 ) .
18 They took it as a snub that Down failed to field at anything approaching full strength and now want to show that they are a match for the real thing .
19 We can , of course , select staff who are ‘ young-user-friendly ’ , and then try to ensure that they remain so by encouragement .
20 At the same time he was busy courting his supporters amongst the Country Tories by playing on the theme of the " Church in Danger " , and his strategy appears to have been to unite the various dissident Tories behind him in order to oust Oxford from power , and then try to ensure that Tory political dominance was so unchallengeable that when George I became King he would be forced to work with them .
21 One of the sourest ironies was to describe the system of independent prosecutors , to have the approval of our colleagues abroad for it , and then have to say that the system was under threat .
22 Divers may hear a motorboat apparently bearing down on them and then surface to find that the boat is actually a considerable distance away .
23 Thanks were also extended to all the club members who gave of their time and hard graft to ensure that fun was had by all .
24 When people draft contracts they are usually keen to limit or exclude their liabilities and yet wish to ensure that the other party was absolutely bound to perform his part of the contract .
25 ‘ It is pointless and ill informed to say that I am entering a profession trained in killing , ’ he said in his defence .
26 Amiss was stunned by the courtesy and curiously uplifted to find that not everyone in this establishment was like Colonel Fagg .
27 The Society is unique in sharing any such surplus with its policyholders by means of a Special Discount which benefits those motor policyholders whose premiums have substantially contributed to the surplus and therefore helps to ensure that the cost of motor insurance is shared more fairly .
28 Landlords were not seeking any advantage in the regulations but merely wanted to ensure that the rental value of holdings was maintained .
29 There is no need at this stage to give explicit gory or shameful details but only to begin to recognise that the simple facts of the previous behaviour and consequences do not fit with the previous belief that all this could be managed satisfactorily alone and without outside help .
30 Individuals paying less than £2,400 a year in free-standing AVCs will not normally need to involve their employer but just have to certify that they are not paying more than 15 per cent of their earnings in total contributions .
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