Example sentences of "[conj] [prep] [Wh det] is [verb] " in BNC.

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1 If you want to be at all selective about what is recorded or about what is viewed , you need to be able to edit in some way .
2 As an employer , you need to pay NI contributions for those employees aged 16 or over , who earn at or above what is known as the lower earnings limit , which stands at £52 a week from 6th April 1991 .
3 However , they do not have the final say on tat is included or on what is rejected .
4 All other stress components are zero as are the strains except for which is given by where u is the displacement measured on a fiducial length l .
5 Many of them care less about the exchange rate than about what is shown on the chart on the right .
6 Marketing is the one function of management which has to be more concerned with what is going on outside the organization than with what is happening internally .
7 By concentrating on what survives after a lesion , rather than on what is lost , this approach seems more readily interpretable .
8 The first submission by Mr. Ashworth was that a public nuisance can not arise out of a lawful act , whatever its consequences , and as what is complained of here , namely heavy goods vehicles being driven along Medway and Bridge Roads , is a lawful act , no public nuisance can arise .
9 Perhaps Locke did not recognise the difference because he used the same word , ‘ idea ’ , both for what we would ordinarily call an idea and for what is imprinted in , or on , the mind , the ‘ sensation ’ .
10 With this aim in view , he makes explicit that what the sceptics deny is the possibility of knowledge of ‘ the inner nature of things … what the things are in themselves ’ ; when they say that there is no criterion of truth , ‘ they are not speaking of what things appear to be and of what is revealed by the senses … but of what things are in themselves , which is so hidden that no criterion can disclose it ’ .
11 He will not actually begin treatment of any sort until he is convinced that you are completely comfortable , both with the concept as a whole and with what is going to take place during the particular session .
12 But it was getting out of those beta-waves , down into the alpha-waves and into what is called the fifth state of consciousness — the healing state — that was so difficult .
13 Employees ' NI contributions are paid on earnings up to and including what is known as the upper earnings limit , which is £390 a week from 6th April 1991 .
14 She received no support from the father for the child , and had to rely upon charity and from what is called ‘ the food bank ’ because she did not receive enough money from the welfare services to feed the child .
15 The UK Tax and Price Index was introduced in 1979 and aims to measure changes in real spending power which depend both on what is happening to retail prices and on what is happening to after-tax incomes .
16 Turning now to the income-related benefits , as the House knows , the uprating is , in this respect , based not on the full retail prices index , but on what is known as the Rossi index , which , in essence , is the RPI less housing costs but which we have this year brought more exactly into line with what the benefits are intended to cover by including in the calculation 20 per cent .
17 Despite the undoubted hardship , not only to the famous such as the hon. and learned Member for Leicester , West and other hon. Members , but to those who are known only to their families — I know from correspondence that many ordinary people suffer hardship because of what is said and done in court cases — I suggest to the House that we interfere with this at our peril , and at peril to our liberties and system of open justice .
18 Secondly of course there are opportunities and limitations to your , the resources that you have and I 've mentioned resources before , they can be economic , military , your education system erm you know at the moment the government 's expanding higher education , going up , well we 've , we 've touched already I think thirty percent now in higher education one of the reasons for that is not just to , for self-fulfilment for those who are erm involved in higher education as I 'm sure you 're all self-fulfilling yourself here today , it 's because of what is perceived to be a national need for a highly educated workforce .
19 United are having a difficult season , and there is antagonism towards the club because of what is happening off the pitch .
20 I say this largely because of what is going on with the black blues artists , like Albert King , BB King , Albert Collins .
21 It should be explained that such efficiency is practically impossible nowadays , for many reasons , chiefly because of what is termed as ‘ lines of demarcation ’ .
22 An order or judgment determining that proceedings are at an end because of what is held to be a settlement is reasonably analogous and , adopting the pragmatic approach referred to for instance by Lord Denning M.R. in Salter Rex & Co. v. Ghosh [ 1971 ] 2 Q.B .
23 As much because of what is left unsaid as because of what is directly described , The Albatross is one of those exceptions which suggest that the junior adventure story has always suffered under unnecessary limitations : the names that stand out in the genre are those who in various ways have ignored or overridden these limitations .
24 Yet one picks it up , in hints and implications , in the not-quite-concealed exasperation of polite administrators , in the raised eyebrows and brief knowing smiles of senior academics on committees ; indeed , it is as much a matter of what is significantly not said , as of what is said ; in poststructuralist terms , of lacunae , vides , silences .
25 In the first place it is to be accepted that it is made in wide terms though it is not said that they are so imprecise that there is a doubt as to what is covered by the order .
26 There can be little doubt as to what in the way of topics and register the Host expects in the Monk 's Tale ; he concludes his observations on Melibee with : and continues with a description of the Monk that matches with the impression " Chaucer " claims to have of the Monk in the General Prologue , of a " " manly man " " , straining at the bounds of what is allowed to a monk ( and not dissimilar to the monk of the Shipman 's Tale ) : After nearly a hundred stanzas of the Monk 's tragedies , the Host is prepared to give him a second chance , as " Chaucer " had , but feels this time he has to be more specific as to what is wanted : But as soon as the Monk speaks we have the opportunity to see , firstly , that his reaction does not suggest he is flattered or pleased by the Host 's appraisal of him , and secondly that he sounds quite different from the bold and thrusting " man 's man " that " Chaucer " and the Host would make of him : Note how the Monk 's desire to offer literature that " " sowneth into honestee " " anticipates Chaucer the prosist 's retraction of the tales " " that sownen into synne " " .
27 After visitors have departed , nurses should pay attention to a patient 's non-verbal behaviour as well as to what is said .
28 In presenting a statement which attempts to generalize upon the research great care must be taken as to what is said .
29 Dee Caldwell 's Book of Freestyle Boardsailing ( Fernhurst Books , 1983 ) provides a good explanation as to what is involved .
30 In a shift operation , a decision has to be taken as to what is to happen at each end of the shifted pattern .
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