Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] for this [noun] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ There is no Gook or Kraut or Nip for this war ’ , he writes , ‘ and the only Iraqi jokes I 've heard have been on the telephone from back home ’ .
2 Smoothed or polished slices can also be observed directly under cathodoluminescence ( see Chapter 6 ) ; they may be etched or stained for this purpose .
3 Many are incurable strays which wander off time and time again , many are untrustworthy or dangerously aggressive dogs who may have been thrown out or dumped for this reason .
4 Nature requests authors to deposit sequence and crystallographic data in the databases that exist for this purpose , and to mention availability of these data .
5 All they had to do was indicate the points in the text at which the language created an effect of surprise ; the task of the stylistician was then to analyze the contrast , between the linguistic structure of the device and that of its immediate context , that accounted for this effect of surprise .
6 In the GDR , the Wachsregimente of the Ministry of State Security ( MfS ) and the Bereitschaftspolizei of the Ministry of the Interior have more than sufficed for this purpose , enabling the NVA to keep its hands clean and its morale high .
7 It is best to use lime rather than cement for this type of infill
8 A compromise was eventually negotiated in which the space to the west of the building , originally planned as a garden , was devoted instead to a car park and to compensate for this loss of amenity , the Historic Buildings Council then agreed to pay for the provision of the jetty and roof garden .
9 The time and place for this palace is not fixed , though — the women 's hats and swirling frocks remind us both of Dior and Watteau , the men are in chic , futuristic black chiffon .
10 Although they may explain homosexuality in terms of learning , they assume a common biological basis and process for this learning , and see the condition itself as homogeneous .
11 The competition between LIFFE and SOFFEX for this business is not yet resolved .
12 Old age is not a sudden event : those becoming dependent must have anticipated and prepared for this stage in some characteristic way , even if by denial .
13 Many temples , caves , burial chambers and ‘ vision pits ’ have been constructed and used for this purpose .
14 Anton though , as if waiting for this opening , Parker 's panic , caught him for his best bite yet , a chunk : with all of his teeth , his werewolf mouth , from high inside of a beefy thigh .
15 ( The story of how we acquired 800 uniform boxes is too long and exhausting for this report , nut Bill Axford is the hero of that one … ) .
16 However , it is impossible to attend to approaches to teaching and learning for this stage without attending to how students are learning prior to this " ( Versey 1989:23 ) .
17 A one time marine and lifelong sailor Bob Shepton has always wanted to sail around the world … for three years he 's been planning and preparing for this voyage
18 You will need to use Minitab instructions PLOT and RLINE for this exercise .
19 The salvation and solace for this state of mind is art , which converts thoughts of loathing into ideas it is possible to live with : horror is tamed and made sublime , while what had been disgusting absurdity becomes comic .
20 They are easy to read and spell for this word , and variant pronunciations of ‘ banana ’ are recognisable across cultures .
21 ‘ A lot of guys out there now do n't know that you got ta have the timing and planning for this stuff , and they just go and do it on the spur of the moment and get caught . ’
22 But allowing for this criticism , the test seems to be workable .
23 While waiting for this money to come through , he asked the owners if they would allow him to order goods for the coming summer season .
24 While begging for this help , the Collective Ghost clutches at an adventurer ( treat as an attack ) .
25 Money when used for this purpose is a means of temporarily storing wealth .
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