Example sentences of "[conj] [adj] [be] [vb pp] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Bernard was present at their interrogation by Australian and British officers and helped escort them to Singapore Supreme Court , where some were found guilty of war crimes .
2 The first , purely spatial method groups eruptions according to the shape of the volcanic vent and where this is situated relative to the volcanic edifice as a whole , while the second depends on the character of the eruption itself , and the nature of the deposits it produces .
3 A global score covering the overall totals of the scores of all the above assessments was constructed : in the absence of neutrophils , patients scoring four or less were considered normal ; those scoring five or more were considered to have chronic duodenitis , in the absence of neutrophils .
4 Differences resulting in p values of 0.05 or less were considered significant .
5 Carl Glenn , a commission investigator , describing events in El Chorrillo , a poor , primarily Black neighbourhood located near the Panamanian Defense Force headquarters , where 10,000 were made homeless , said : US troops bombed the community , shelled it with heavy artillery , strafed it and finally burned it to the ground .
6 It is essential that you wear protective clothing and that this is kept clean and changed frequently .
7 Please could you ensure that this is made clear on any notices that are put up and that the contractors doing the work are also aware that pedestrians , cyclists and people requiring access to property are to be allowed through .
8 The fact that this is deemed necessary is probably also a reflection of the lack of formal sign language teaching and the understanding of the process itself .
9 In 1938 the Folger Library in America , purchased a copy of one of Lambarde 's law books , this was found to contain Shakespeare 's signature , it was not until 1941 however that this was considered genuine .
10 A p value of less than 0.05 was considered significant .
11 A probability value of less than 0.05 was considered significant .
12 p Values less than 0.05 were considered significant .
13 Probabilities less than 0.05 were considered significant .
14 It is probably no wonder that many are driven mad by the terrible hardships that they suffer .
15 Securities with betas less than 1 are called defensive shares as a 1 per cent increase in the expected market rate of return is likely to yield a less than 1 per cent increase in the expected rate of return of the security .
16 On the other hand , those securities with betas which are greater than 1 are called aggressive shares .
17 He would have to piss in the backseat , and that was imported Argentine leather hand-tooled by a specialist flown in from Tijuana .
18 Fifteen farms were visited , four of these were farmed full-time and eleven were farmed part-time .
19 It wo n't , it wo n't improve turnaround times generally speaking on the quotes area cos that 's kept separate .
20 Slater and Fisher found that 4.1 items were consulted and 2.4 were considered useful .
21 They 're awaiting further information on the planning situation and until that is made clear we will suspend the demolition work today .
22 It is possible for two productions to be mounted so that numbers are divided — possibly four productions may be put on , if that is thought worthwhile .
23 And if if this was covered up here I E this this black dot was say made white let's say , we 'd only have two matching and if that was made white we 'd have one and then if we changed at all that top row we 'd have zero matching .
24 Some of the males were injected with morphine for a few days and some were given other drugs .
25 This procedure involves the bank in accepting full liability to pay the bill on maturity and this is granted subject to the terms on which bills are drawn by the company .
26 Ephesians 4:30 tells us that the Spirit seals us in preparation for the day of redemption : the ‘ already ’ and the ‘ not yet ’ are united in that phrase To speak of a ‘ firstfruits ’ inevitably takes one 's eyes to the ‘ not yet ’ ( and this is made explicit in Romans 8:23 ) .
27 Obviously members of the same species can live in harmony together and this is made possible by the chemical messages which pass between coelenterates to allow individual coral polyps in a colony to recognise and avoid stinging one another and to signal that other neighbouring colonies of the same species are not a threat .
28 The status of older people is also dependent on the social context in which people live , and this is made apparent by the wide variation in ageing patterns in different ethnic , geographic and socio-economic sub-cultures .
29 Airport staff put the information into LASMO 's computer system at check-in , and this is kept up-to-date throughout the duration of any offshore visit .
30 There is an exception where there are no records and this is deemed reasonable in the circumstances .
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