Example sentences of "[conj] [verb] [prep] [adj] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In giving consent to another 's actions , however , our primary purpose is to authorise those actions and in so doing create for or accord to another a special right to act : the obligation generated on the consentor not to interfere with the exercise of this right takes , in this case , the secondary role .
2 Disorderly conduct bears the same significance as it does in the section 5 offence , and is likely to involve conduct such as shouting or singing in such a way as to alarm persons near by , uncertainty of gait , staggering , lurching or swaying , and behaviour that causes people to take evasive action .
3 It is easy enough to see how someone , especially someone who has suffered a childhood of poverty , can be led to a fear of emptiness , of not getting enough to eat , of starvation itself , and so in later life to stave off or compensate for such a fear .
4 The susceptibility of individuals to disease ; if animals are kept or treated in such a way that their immune system does not work very well , that in itself tells you that their welfare is less good than it might be .
5 What man would be feeble enough to resist such a suggestion , or to quarrel with such an arrangement ?
6 An expert can be liable in contract or tort to both the parties who have referred an issue to him for decision : see 14.514.11 .
7 Learning is a process whereby knowledge , skills and attitudes are acquired or modified in such a way that human behaviour is more or less permanently changed .
8 There have been few detailed research studies that have examined arrest rates of those living in the same areas or sentencing in both the magistrates ' courts and the Crown Court in one study .
9 Anyone recording or passing on such a comment is in danger now that records are open .
10 In all his thirty-three years no single woman had ever addressed him after such a fashion , or spoken of such a delicate matter .
11 Some adjustments can amount to a loss of steadfastness , others can lead to values becoming curtained or shadowed in such a way that they are no longer clear to other people .
12 It would be you responsibility to repair the pipe , or pay for all the water wasting away into your garden .
13 Thus when using glissades the choreographer must decide whether they are to be darted. and controlled by careful spacing to close in an elegant 5th position , or glided smoothly with a gentle rise and full , or danced in such a way that they give impetus to propel the dancer upwards into the step of elevation .
14 It would be inappropriate for us to dwell on the matter unnecessarily or to attempt to second-guess the decisions of the Lord Advocate in Scotland on the matter .
15 I mean by this it was not the sort of preparation which on the one hand Elizabethan erm critics and writers of rhetoric books , or on the other hand Ezra Pound in the twentieth century would advise to the poet that he must learn to turn a good sonnet or write in all the metrical forms , or accomplish himself deftly in the technical devices .
16 If you had asked him , I suppose that he would not have been able to give a very convincing answer as to why he was walking , or looking , or watching in such an apparently random and obsessive fashion .
17 On the other hand , I do not feel that all children need necessarily play all the games or join in all the activities .
18 I suspect he was , or come to that a Northern Ireland jersey .
19 Bulletin boards and list servers can be structured like company e-mail in that subsections can be used to follow up a particular discussion or to follow through all the different accounts and editions so that one person can go back and read the whole story from the beginning to the last entry .
20 Before taking my temperature I was neither allowed to breathe through my mouth for ten minutes nor to take food or drink for half an hour .
21 Where any one or more of the earlier operations , however , also constituted transfers of value made by the same transferor , the value transferred by the earlier operations shall be treated as reducing the value transferred by all the operations taken together , except to the extent that the transfer constituted by the earlier operations ( but not that made by all the operations taken together ) is exempt under s18 of the Act ( see IRC v Brandenburg [ 1982 ] STC 555 at p468a , Fynn v IRC ( 1957 ) 37 TC 629 and Corbett 's Executors v IRC ( 1943 ) 25 TC 305 ) .
22 Because I believe that it is the women that goes through all the pain , suffering and has to carry the burden of the chance of getting pregnant which a man does not have for obvious reasons .
23 and the , the free papers I mean that 's the one that goes through all the doors
24 These , then , are some of the ideas that attach to all the world 's waterways .
25 They 've never felt the pain that lies behind all the hatred we can feel for women , our need to hurt them in return .
26 The process of ( a ) searching the index to find the address of the required record , and then ( b ) going directly to that address , will be considerably faster than searching through all the records on a sequential file .
27 Although some activities can not by their very nature carry charges , there is nothing about social services that leads to such a conclusion .
28 They feel that to embark on such an undertaking might spiritually jeopardise their work .
29 An interesting warning can be gathered from Pooley 's that remaining in such an area for more than one minute risks possible harm from radiation .
30 Any group that acts in such a way as to threaten to disturb the smooth running of the governmental organization is likely to be seen ( often rightly ) as a challenge to the status quo .
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