Example sentences of "[conj] [conj] [indef pn] be [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The message conveyed to the brain from one such cell is a bit ambiguous : it is saying either that a stationary spot is going on or off in a particular region , or that something is moving upwards in that region .
2 Or that one is to continue to believe in the biblical God despite all experiences to the contrary , that is to say believe that God is bound up with a religion and a community in which women are counted inferior ( in which case one is attempting to believe in an evil God ) ?
3 In social bird-watching it is very important that the people studied are not aware that they are being studied or that anyone is setting up a particular environment for them to behave in .
4 A similar photograph , with variations as to size and county , appeared month after month , giving the impression that those who read Country Life were above change , or that none was recognised there .
5 He is er , strongly er , suggesting that we ought to be rather more pro-active than we either are , or than anybody is suggesting that we ought to be in the paper at number seventeen .
6 If someone is sitting on the radiator it is because his trousers are wet from the rain , if someone is drifting across the classroom he is going to get some paper for written work , or if someone is leaving class he is going to empty the rubbish ‘ like he usually does ’ .
7 Rereading More Women than Men , I ask myself each time whether the relations between them are suggested with extreme subtlety , or whether something is lacking .
8 We were discussing the probability of Nerina 's essays being all her own work : or whether someone 's fronting her .
9 A chases B. When B is caught , s/he freezes , eyes closed , counts to 5 , then chases A. The game continues for as long as you want — or to a pre-set time limit , or when somebody is caught three times , for example .
10 Whilst we do not have clear evidence that heparin confers benefit we do know that where one is administering TPA and aspirin and heparin there is some evidence of an increase in side effects .
11 Erm with without a new settlement erm that that was indeed the the impression that erm I was left with as well , and what what we 've sought to do in in the evidence that we 've we 've put before you is to take the nine seven , nine thousand seven hundred figure in Greater York , and and er s based on the data supplied by the County Council to demonstrate that that actually when one looks at outstanding commitments erm with planning permission , identified the sites er without planning permission , those those that are allocated in local plans , making suitable allowances for small sites erm windfall sites and conversion , erm the the residual figure that is left in Greater York , which I calculate to be eight thousand six hundred and thirty seven , once one has taken away completions , which I think is an agreed figure between nineteen ninety one and nineteen ninety three of one thousand and sixty three , that erm , those existing commitments , and the sites likely to come forward , ma virtually match the figure for the outstanding housing requirement , so so one is left with a view that erm from from the data that 's put in front of us that there is n't a residue of that size to accommodate , although I accept that there may well be a residue of some sort , erm and it seems to me that the established Greater York erm framework , er is is the process by which that is distributed around the counties along the lines that the discussion 's proceeded this morning .
12 I shall have more to say about occlusion a little later , but for now : grasping the fact of occlusion in the sense of grasping the fact that if something were removed then something behind it would be perceived because the something behind was there all along is an achievement of the central systems .
13 In general , the complications introduced by having to predict changes both of system and of behaviour are so great that most forecasters assume that the system will not change ( except by evolution ) and claim that if everything is going to change there is not much point in having a forecast anyway because there will no longer be an organisation to act upon it .
14 They fear that if nothing is done , the fish will disappear altogether .
15 In figure 7.6 the capacitances to earth are represented as lumped together from nodes A , B , C and D. Notice that if nothing is done about these capacitances , they act in pairs across the arms of the bridge ; for example , the reactance of C A in series with that of C B is in parallel with the impedance Z 1 .
16 She forecast that if nothing were done , violence would erupt .
17 He believed that if nothing were done about filling in the quarry , another tragedy would happen there .
18 These three vices are universally regarded as so detrimental to a horse , and so incurable , that if one is detected in a horse soon after it has been sold at a reputable horse auction , it is grounds for its sale to be cancelled .
19 I think many feel that if one is going to make the sacrifice that is required in the first place then one accepts that there will be other things one will want one 's child to benefit from — even if it means tightening one 's belt for an extra month . ’
20 But the point that young Macaulay fails to realise is that if one is going to take potshots , there is no point in aiming a verbal blunderbuss at piddling little targets .
21 Yes , Mr Chairman , I , erm , I , I , I do appreciate that erm , I 've been invited through Committee er , to go through what I do represent er , the building project erm , on behalf of the economic development , because as you all know , I 'm of course on the economic development before , but er , in the past I 've found that that I have er been , shall we say , relieved of my positions on other er , position , erm , unknownst to myself , and of course I have er , actually turned up on these planning functions and been there , and to me in the past , I have always found that if one is going to be missed one must then , one 's either asked if he wishes to continue , if he 's been doing his job properly , if he does n't do his job properly then it 's only right to replace him .
22 Most commonly , mura-muras are asked to send rain , for it is well known that if one is offended he will hold up a huge bark dish to the heavens and catch all the rain on its way to earth , out of spite .
23 It is good mining practice that if one is to work all the mine that has already been developed — and £60 billion has been spent in its development — one does not work it in the advance , but in the retreat .
24 It stands to reason that if one is claiming to have discovered universal historical laws these should apply to very different societies .
25 It 's still not uncommon to meet people who declare that if one were seated in a Parisian cafe , rather than a British pub , then the conversation would be on a different level .
26 I guarantee that if one were to sit down , go back to basics , and argue through the parameters as suggested exclusively by the score , and not from one 's aural knowledge of the record catalogue ( and that hoary old chestnut , a ‘ classic ’ version ) , one would encounter a far greater consensus of opinion than would appear initially to be the case .
27 In summary , one can say beyond reasonable doubt that if one were asked to choose which of Slade 's apprentices is most likely to have made the harpsichord on which Handel rests his elbow , the evidence weighs very heavily in favour of William Smith .
28 He not only attacks the SEC for being politically grounded , suggesting that the SEC 's limited resources are being focused on those least in favour with the enforcement agency , but by adopting the Stigler ‘ interest theory ’ of regulation , he argues that if one were to look for the supporters of anti-insider dealing provisions , one would find that it is neither society nor the markets , but the SEC itself .
29 ‘ It is absolutely necessary that if somebody is gumming up the system or can not keep pace with what you are trying to do that they should go , ’ he declares uncompromisingly .
30 It is absolutely necessary that if somebody is gumming up the system or can not keep pace with what you are trying to do that they should go
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