Example sentences of "[prep] [subord] [pron] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It may have unlimited funds or it may have very tight ones ; most fall somewhere in between so you have to think creatively about raising the additional finance to do the job properly .
2 Erm , you 've got that to tend with and erm on top of that erm , you ca n't ware of if you 've got a pass yes , I , you 've then have to er , get , you know , whether though it 'll be going to a and at the moment there suppose to be very , very low so they ca n't do that any more and then you 'll have to , the vet will then do the treatment for the animal , but again you do n't get the vet you 'll only get the training vet 's to do the job and then they reclaim from the R S P C A , so it , no way that they have n't got any funds .
3 ‘ It 's really a case of if you 've got it , make sure everybody knows you 've got it . ’
4 If you if any of if you have say er any problems with the people in the flats that you could actually go to would help you in any way ?
5 He said it was to prevent the priest being mixed up , it was an opportunity to a new priest to come in and sort of if it had become he could establish groups .
6 Although most country parks are monitored by crude counts of visitors , there have been few studies of whether they have achieved the aims set out above .
7 Erm and we are now , if you like , putting it into a form which anyone can use irrespective of whether they have done the training .
8 Does the witness know how to contact you if they are going to be late ? ( 10 ) Do you do enough to help the witness get to court ; proper notice , instructions , map etc ? ( 11 ) Do you have a system for thanking witnesses regardless of whether they have to give evidence ? ( 12 ) Do you have an explanatory leaflet to give the witness ?
9 He said : ‘ The players know how important our League programme is and it is a matter of whether they have recovered mentally and physically to go into the game at Leicester in the right frame of mind .
10 His lecture posed and promoted the question of whether we have reached the end of a road — can we , need we , go faster ?
11 A very elementary test of whether we have thought some .
12 The question of whether someone has suffered special damage or not depends on the facts of the particular case , and so is very much in the discretion of the court .
13 In a static , unchanging universe , the question of whether it has existed forever or whether it was created at a finite time in the past is really a matter for metaphysics or religion : Either theory could account for such a universe .
14 I had sent her a copy of my memoir , but her noncommittal letter of thanks had given no indication of whether she had read it .
15 This will take account of whether you have achieved the required standards and met your agreed objectives .
16 This extra pension is paid either when you claim your pension or when you reach 70(65) , regardless of whether you have retired from work or not .
17 Where the exclusion clause is embodied in a signed contract , the general rule is that the signatory is bound by the contents of the document regardless of whether he has read or understood them ( L " Estrange v Graucob Ltd [ 1934 ] 2 KB 394 ) in the absence of the plea of non est factum ( Saunders v Anglia Building Society [ 1971 ] AC 1004 ) .
18 No , erm plants people tend to grow peas and beans and things cos they form little nodules round their roots , and they 're putting nitrogen They store nitrogen in that and they sort of When they 've finished they put nitrogen back into the soil .
19 The good news is that we are still going to see something of as he has agreed to act as a consultant for us .
20 What about if you 'd received a harsher sentence ?
21 Erm so think about if you 've got a non-working partner or somebody on a low income to spread the money er so that you , has anybody already done this er you know prior to retirement ?
22 What about if you have to write it ?
23 Something to think about if he had to leave the boy on his own like .
24 Less than a minute later it will be on its feet again as if nothing had happened .
25 The rest of the hens were roaming as if nothing had happened .
26 He thought it best to give her a quick kiss and talk as if nothing had happened .
27 They are hardly likely to behave as if nothing had happened . ’
28 But , the layman may object , this does not mean that the communicating classes should be allowed to get an election wrong , and just carry on communicating as if nothing had happened .
29 Beyond the cottage gates , a bent green and yellow sign welcomed visitors to the area as if nothing had happened , declaring : ‘ Visit Etna National Park , where nature is protected . ’
30 Only Mr Rumback walked on as if nothing had happened .
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