Example sentences of "[adj] we have [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 But in the middle of this we 've still got a fairly young woman with vivid imagination .
2 By doing this we have also solved the problem of the awkward leap referred to above ; for , by giving the top line to the 2nd violins in the first four bars all technical difficulties are avoided , and , in addition , force and verve are given to the sforzando on the first beat of bar 5 , and greater point and conviction are gained for the abrupt change of key .
3 What is also important , of course , and this we have barely begun to tackle , is that disparate partnership ventures learn of one another 's existence , learn from one another and have some sense of their specific contribution to the wider vision .
4 From here we continue to Terreira da Luta , where we get a good view of Funchal and see how high we have already climbed .
5 We got D P 9.16 , 28.32 we 've still got four to do .
6 We 've we 've already had I 'm afraid we 've already had the and er .
7 She turned from the counter and glanced through some boxes , then said , ‘ I 'm afraid we 've only got fifty of the large size , sir .
8 Another we have already touched upon .
9 Since 1979 we have just begun to have confidence in ourselves to raise our eyes to the horizon again .
10 We , we distributed cos we 're lucky we 've just got schools in and around you know ?
11 I 'll get him I 'll get er Jane to give me a few dates and we 'll suit choose a suitable date and we 'll try all of the aspects everything about A L O work about the training , some of these we 've almost got solutions to ourselves we ought to be careful erm , if we can er draw up a proper agenda and discuss with him all of those issues
12 ‘ The first half was the worst we 've ever had since I 've been at the club .
13 A sample : We 're coming in to land at Speke My legs are feeling very weak We 've just returned from Barcelona And now I 'm going for a sauna Toshack is of Scottish descent , and there is certainly a bit of McGonagall in there , though not the best bit .
14 6.1 We have now considered most of the major adjectival positions of English , with only the extraclausal to follow in Chapter 9 .
15 Jim 's very convincing about the th the difference between this course and the sort of courses that erm er that we have actually run , and and erm automatically include in our training for our our staff .
16 It 's half past eight we 'd better chase it up .
17 Working on so small a piece of basic material , it was remarkably difficult to be sure we had correctly identified the genes .
18 And Mogg believes that the difficulty of ordering tea in the Waldorf Hotel these days is symptomatic of the decline of an empire , a feeling I 'm sure we 've all experienced from time to time .
19 Oh well so all we 've really got ta do now then is just get out and do a shop for Christmas .
20 All we 've actually done is to say , right
21 And thankfully us independent consultants in training have just been er vindicated for all we 've ever said about them .
22 And the reverse of that , wrote Harsnet , the feeling that all we have already felt and seen and heard has yet to happen , is so far only a dream , a fantasy , and the sense , he wrote , that this may be a feeling we experience again and again throughout our lives , that the elements of experience have failed to catch on to the glass of our lives , or that the glass is there and waiting for the experience to be registered , that it can wait for ever , for it does not know the meaning of time .
23 And how many we 'd actually got .
24 For most of us the intervening year has added another milestone to the many we have already passed .
25 And then there 's the , the data integrity on units which is the fourteen we 've already made some er nominal provision for which is
26 Well we 've had three weeks of normal work up training ; the guys are well aware of what the role 's going to be out there , and we have practised normal training , normal multi-training we 've just revised , we 're all trained soldiers , and that 's how far we 've gone .
27 Since the dark days of the eighties we have consistently sold for less than players were worth .
28 Further , even if it may be true that characteristic adjectives are never barred from prenominal occurrence , there are certainly instances where occasion adjectives are ungrammatical in postnominal position , as in : ( 30 ) Eddy will present the cheque to the winner happy we have yet to overcome this obstacle immediate Thus , Bolinger 's distinction between " characteristic " use and " occasion " use is neither necessary nor sufficient for postnominal occurrence , even if it overlaps to an interesting extent with the difference in position of the adjective .
29 The side effects usually blamed on grades are , in fact , those we have already seen associated with other aspects of assessment systems — emphasis on the easily-measured , unfairness , standardization , competition , extrinsic rewards .
30 to play with really er we c to clear ten we 've still got two and a half grand left
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