Example sentences of "[adj] [conj] [verb] by [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Listed Intellectual Property Rights are all the Intellectual Property Rights owned , used or required by the Vendor in connection with the Business .
2 Flattered for a little while , they soon begin to feel embarrassed or threatened by the powerful nature of the feeling that surrounds them .
3 He asked those interested or intrigued by the idea to pray as to whether God might be calling them personally to this work .
4 It may be cordless or attached by a cable to the VCR .
5 The moon had set , but the sky was clear and lit by a sprinkling of stars .
6 This use of language is poetic and characterized by the intention being applied not only to content but also to its specific form .
7 Sucralfate or bFGF was dissolved in saline and given by the intragastric route in a volume of 1 ml or infused subcutaneously at 4ml/hour .
8 During the Second World War the house was empty until taken by an elderly lady , Mrs Fullerton , whose son was grown up .
9 Charlotte made to reply , but suddenly felt exasperated and wearied by the hoops she had been obliged to jump through .
10 How was the Beau Ideal absorbed and reinforced by the architectural profession in the design of municipal suburbs ?
11 An education which is both liberating and informed by an alternative conception of society is rare , and educational opportunities which are extended beyond representatives to the wider membership is rarer still .
12 The times and places are decided well in advance , usually during the previous November , and invariably the Order of Service is that prepared and recommended by the Council of Churches for Britain and Ireland .
13 Who stayed upstairs I never did find out , but the house is now well and truly Yuppified and owned by a couple of actresses from good families .
14 The research follows a pilot study carried out in 1985/86 and supported by the ESRC .
15 In late February the UN boundary commission was preparing a report which would reinstate the 1923 border with Kuwait , delineated by the British and accepted by the Iraqi government in an agreement with Kuwait in 1963 .
16 Its symbolism may or may not be universal for all mankind , or for all within one culture , but enough dream material is common for others to be interested and gripped by a person who recounts his dreams .
17 Organised and sponsored by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation , Lisbon , the exhibition also includes other works from the period 1933–87 .
18 The project arose out of the work of a Community Action Project established in the area in 1972 and financed by the Rowntree Trust .
19 The principles underlying course development were established in a set of aims drawn up in 1972 and reaffirmed by the Modular Course Committee ( MCC ) in 1978 and 1983 .
20 ‘ The result is that our good companies are embarrassed and undermined by the behaviour of the bad and even the bad by the worst . ’
21 Sabrina 5 was last used in the early 1970s and lay derelict until restored by the Museum in 1987 .
22 How is a question asked by the foolish and answered by the trivial . ’
23 The footpath that runs with the burn is not one of those carefully waymarked and leafleted by the Forestry Commission .
24 This school was built in 1609 and run by the Barnabites who were also responsible for the church .
25 There was little public knowledge of the extent to which intelligence tests had already become part of the machinery of secondary selection by 1940 , nor how far their use was tied in with that of standardised tests of attainment in English and arithmetic , which were provided , marked and correlated by the same person or organisation .
26 The second , profession of faith , would , as now , be public and preceded by a course of instruction .
27 They are often not very confident ( however they may appear ) and always want to impress their friends by their unpleasant exploits , so that they feel wanted and accepted by the in-crowd — just like Herod .
28 He heard one Englishman shout at him , as he was thrown to the ground by another and pierced by the halberd on the end of his musket , like a sunfish in a rockpool .
29 This first set of questions is interrelated and confused by the fact that both the courts and Parliament have , at times , claimed exclusive jurisdiction to determine whether a particular privilege exists , and the criteria which they have applied in making this determination have differed .
30 For , compressed in their hemmed-in salient and hammered by an artillery that was always superior , maintained and succoured by organisation that was always inferior , things were almost invariably just that much worse for the French .
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