Example sentences of "[verb] could be [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And he warned that if companies failed to address corporate accountability the market regulation it proposed could be replaced by Government regulation .
2 This volume , and volumes of readings on Environmental Geomorphology and Landscape Conservation ( Coates , 1972 , 1973 ) , have revitalized the scope and focus of geomorphology and the approach contained could be applied to physical geography as a whole .
3 I was partly convinced by Culler 's power of persuasion , and for some time thought that the kinds of analysis he described could be assimilated to practical criticism and the English synthesis .
4 Each of these chapters contained at least some description of how the concepts and techniques they described could be put to practical use to build up market knowledge .
5 I do n't suggest that these unfavourable writings pushed him to do what he did , though I do n't mind suggesting that the bigotry and vicarious piety they may be reckoned to contain could be classed among the negative experiences of the last months of his life .
6 On Timor by late May , however , there was the comforting knowledge that the most seriously wounded could be evacuated by sea-plane through Suai and that others could be cared for in the Ainaro hospital — a different picture from the days of doubt and dismay some eight weeks earlier .
7 A great many ‘ What if ? ’ questions could be asked on the balance the Production Office achieved in its casting of William Hartnell , Jacqueline Hill , William Russell and Carole Ann Ford to play the four regulars .
8 One steel factory in Silesia found that it could no longer afford to make the heavily subsidised , high-quality steel it used to produce before the new budgetary regime , so it began to make smaller quantities of low-quality steel , which it found could be exported to Germany at a profit .
9 ’ 'This meant , ’ so Balfour advised , ‘ a working arrangement with Asquith , which he believed could be done without loss of dignity or authority . ’
10 The court also rejected an argument which was to be advanced , in varying forms , in many later cases : that the evidence sought could be provided within the territorial jurisdiction of the Californian courts either by the defendant 's officials travelling to California , or by the answers being provided by counsel in Los Angeles .
11 The poem proposes that a cause which appeared to be defeated could be revived through God 's agency .
12 However , the deliberate positioning of the doors outside the fences which they straddled could be seen from an agriculturalist 's point of view , to assist the separation of animals from domestic areas .
13 Who would have thought that the tablets on which the Ten Commandments were written could be encapsulated in a microchip ?
14 Either the whole matter could have been left to disappear in limbo , as it might well have done , or counsel and the judge could have discussed how any harm done could be cured in the summing up .
15 These one-time costs once met could be leveraged over much more business activity around the globe than we then enjoyed .
16 Any odd QDMs received could be caused by your passing overhead the DF facility .
17 What about for local businesses , erm what do you think could be done to actually to attract more businesses to the area ?
18 I mean my mood so affected the way the class was but that was something that I did n't think could be helped at all … and the difference was amazing you know , when you 're feeling OK and you 're being relaxed .
19 In Pearson v. Rose and Young ( 1950 C.A. ) the owner left his car with a dealer with instructions for the latter not to sell it but to see what offers could be obtained for it .
20 This case was followed in Stadium Finance v. Robbins ( 1962 C.A. ) where the owner left his car with a dealer with instructions to see what offers could be obtained for it .
21 For the import of the " new " sense of design which I have hypothesised could be developed from these sketches is its interaction with social forces — literally its forming of them .
22 They found that no dye was formed from pure aniline ; that magenta was usually a mixture of two dyestuffs ( 1 and 2 ) ; and that the products formed could be controlled by the proportions of the component amines .
23 The carrier Bulwark had to be sailed hastily north from Mombasa with an infantry battalion embarked to establish a forward base at Aqaba on the Red Sea , through which supplies could be despatched to Amman by road .
24 Like some hypocrites in tragedy , Angelo 's readiness to dissemble could be checked by his conscience .
25 They rounded off the environmental scenario by including the 3 TWh of wind power Vatenfall thinks could be installed in Sweden by 2010 .
26 The things you describe could be classed as fraud and harassment maybe , but in fact there is a murder involved . ’
27 In Germany there were some three deaths that the police thought could be related to such fantasy games , including one in which a self-confessed Storm Master hanged himself in prison after raping and killing his girlfriend .
28 Moreover links could be established between the OED text and the texts of the other Oxford English Dictionaries ( in machine-readable form ) to aid the improvement and updating of these dictionaries .
29 Indeed , figures have been put forward in the US that suggest that maybe 40% of all documents currently typeset could be output in this way .
30 Under working practices at the time , junctions so approved could be put into full operation before final safety checks were carried out by the inspectorate .
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