Example sentences of "[verb] for [adj] [noun] a " in BNC.

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1 I was glad to be given for this talk a problem question — animals and the environment .
2 A great mimic , he had developed for English society an accent which outclassed the Brits around him .
3 The best cuts of boar meat sell for five pounds a pound … twice the price of pork .
4 If he is right in this , then a subsidiary issue arises as to what constitutes for this purpose a sufficient ‘ acceptance ’ of the plea .
5 The oxygen consumption of an insect may rise a hundredfold when flight begins and if it is to continue for long periods a reserve of oxidizable respiratory material is needed .
6 She had expected for some reason a warm and well-fleshed figure , dressed in tweeds saturated in the comforting perfume of unsmoked tobacco .
7 And we do not need to undergo years of psychoanalysis , or visit a hypnotist , or meditate for twelve hours a day , in order to seek self-knowledge .
8 Theirs was a marriage blanc ; Harvey was occupied for eighteen hours a day at the Ministry of Transport where he was one of two Parliamentary Secretaries with responsibility for roads .
9 had dropped by 35% , increasing unemployment and ending for many farmers a link with the land which stretched back many generations .
10 On average , Butler and his staff cook for 800 people a day and all the chefs have an input when it comes to menu suggestions .
11 I had picked for this exercise a place that I had visited many years before. , but to which I had never returned .
12 While Agassi and Sampras , with supreme pre-final confidence , had flown home from Frankfurt after the ATP Finals for a few days of relaxation in Florida before returning to Europe , Noah had taken his squad off to a Swiss tennis resort , where they trained for 6 hours a day , offered themselves for 30 minutes daily to the press for customary grilling and focussed wholly on the task in hand .
13 Instead she was confined for twenty hours a day on a ward for the criminally insane , most of them doped and many of them bruised from the warders ' heavy handling .
14 Such cases could be met by adopting for civil cases a procedure similar to the Attorney-General 's reference in criminal proceedings .
15 In the centuries where children were treated like Oliver Twist and worse ; where children were beaten , half-starved , and put to work for sixteen hours a day and more ; it is not surprising that horses were treated no better .
16 I went back to work for two days a week in December when Isha was six months old .
17 If you can not find a language helper who only wants to work for one hour a day , try hiring someone to do gardening or housework for you on a more fulltime basis and then use that person also as a language helper until you reach the stage where you can cope with a fulltime language helper .
18 She has not been able to get any type of work since , despite applying for eight jobs a week .
19 Arber and Ginn ( 1991 ) estimate from these data that the average co-resident carer cares for 52 hours a week compared with 9 hours for an extra resident carer .
20 In 1903 the Poplar Guardians leased for one year a new workhouse specifically for the use of able-bodied men .
21 For the most part , though , the Review concerned itself more with establishing for English studies a status similar to that of the humanism of classical studies , than with criticism .
22 Because of the division of labour , work soon became the perpetual repetition of a simple task , or the minding of a machine ; such work often had to be done for fourteen hours a day , six days a week , and there were no special provisions for the women and very young children who were considered especially suitable for work in the textile industries .
23 The Court found on the facts that it did not need to pronounce upon whether the provisions relating to the Gex Zone created a stipulation in favour of a third party , but warned that the existence of such rights should not be lightly assumed : each such claim must be separately examined to determine ‘ whether the States which have stipulated in favour of a third State meant to create for that State an actual right which the latter has accepted as such ’ .
24 That 's it ; except Nina stopped looking for any knight a long time ago . ’
25 In particular , I studied for some while a figure chalked on a great blackboard which stood close to the bench bearing the sheeted body .
26 ‘ Well , ’ the foreman said , ‘ what do you expect for eighty bucks a week ?
27 Finally , there are plans to provide custodians a sore point to enable the churches to open for two hours a day .
28 If the coil is positioned for maximum output an offset adjustment equal to the mean magnitude of the field is required , but need be no more complicated than an offset bias to the following amplifier input .
29 In my day we treated our old heroes right and they only played for 10 bob a week .
30 Boots says a supply of alkaline batteries for a personal stereo used for four hours a day , five days a week over a year will cost about £90 , while rechargeable batteries and a charger cost from £18 to £27 ( from selected branches of Boots ) .
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