Example sentences of "[verb] it [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Accounting for the use of this form in any context will always imply relating the particular meaning actualized in the context to the permanent potential significate postulated for it in tongue , and will consequently involve : ( 1 ) showing that the common denominator of a before/after sequence is present ( the constant element evoked by to ) , and ( 2 ) showing how the speaker has fit the particular experience he is talking about into this potential by intercepting the operation of actualizing it at the appropriate moment ( the variable element expressed by to ) .
2 It seemed to be standing in the snow , a little metal cap protecting it against the biting breeze , but as we approached closer , my stomach turned .
3 Guido 's won it for the past two years and he 's absolutely desperate to get a hat trick — though some of his rivals are equally desperate to see that he does n't . ’
4 Wo would you like to try it for the next year , or few meetings ?
5 If a child has it for the first ten years hardly anything else matters .
6 The Three Choirs vineyard is making an English equivalant of Beaujolais Nouveau , and is launching it on the French market .
7 Since launching it in the late 1980s , Microsoft has sold over 25m copies .
8 The plan which the Governors had in mind — which was carried out with great success — was to demolish this house , build the first phase of the new Junior School where the house had stood , and finally to demolish the then Junior School and replace it with the second phase .
9 [ Remove the original signature with solvent and replace it with the legitimate owner 's name in her own handwriting .
10 And why does n't British Rail offer a recycling facility for my old two-inch-thick timetable , when I replace it with the new edition twice each year ?
11 I have carried out several privatisations in my time in commercial and industrial departments , and my understanding of the word privatisation is that one takes something currently managed in the public sector and transfers it to the private sector — the last such transfer in which I was engaged involved British Steel .
12 The Blox had run the whisker pole to maximum height on its track , suspended it from the main halyard , and were swinging on it from the pulpit far out over the harbour and letting go .
13 Once the door was shut , they could have had a dance band going full blast and you 'd never know it in the next room .
14 ‘ A tale from Lamb , ’ she muttered , opening it on the first page .
15 These are substitutes , but you 'll need it for the authentic taste .
16 We shall need it for the forty foots .
17 There is said to be an area on the knee called The Three-Mile Point ; it sounds wonderful for runners because , practitioners say , if you touch it in the right way , you 'll have enough energy to run another three miles .
18 ‘ I have sometimes thought that more might be done than is commonly attempted in education to familiarise the idea of death to the minds of children by representing it as the grand event for which they were born ; and thus making a future state the object of their chief interest and ambition .
19 Simply take a length of split foam pipe insulation , and slip it over the offending cable where it passes over the sill .
20 At one point I saw Bunny write something , probably her ‘ phone number , on a drip mat and slip it into the back pocket of his jeans .
21 Although the dummy used to belong to me — still does , by rights — I slip it into the sucking mouth : small sacrifice .
22 no certificate of any kind has been received , even though every reasonable effort has been made to obtain it through the competent authorities of the State addressed .
23 The nice complication then arises that to entertain the Copernican system seriously as a potentially true physical description , and subsequently to reject it , could be a more radical position than to accept it in the former sense .
24 He should understand that ‘ the story of Christ is simply a true myth : a myth working on us in the same way as the others , but with this tremendous difference that it really happened : and one must be content to accept it in the same way . ’
25 At the speed the train is going , I will catch it at the next station .
26 I was gon na catch it at the next stop .
27 For example polymethyl methacrylate ( Perspex , Plexiglas ) may be moulded to any desired shape by warming it to temperatures little over 100°C and cooling it in the deformed state .
28 In particular , he suggests that the educational system has a marked effect on the production and reproduction of scientific knowledge , and criticizes it for the ahistorical way in which it teaches scientific problems , theories , experiments and proofs .
29 The case of the chainmaking trade was particularly acute because of the large numbers of women who entered it during the late 1870s from nailmaking .
30 This back parlour , Hope thought , as he entered it for the third time that day , is like a little theatre : Act I , Colonel Moore ; Act II , Amaryllis ; Act III
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