Example sentences of "[verb] and [adv prt] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Most of the works exhibited and Out of the Frame remains safely within it , both conceptually and literally .
2 Secondly , you will best get there by squeezing all you can out of every position you hold and out of the experience of every man you serve or meet : pick their brains , study their successes and their failures ; never be afraid to ask questions or put new ideas , but do not get upset or angry if they are not accepted at first , and do not assume that the other man 's judgment is wrong .
3 Characteristic of Lanzarote are the numerous cones of extinct volcanoes , their surfaces smoothed and round by the dry , fierce winds heading out across the Atlantic from the Moroccan Sahara .
4 The Black Boy though now a public house was at one time also a farm for when Robert Hearnden ran the public house in 1840 he also farmed a considerable amount of land , where the large pit is now situated and down into the village .
5 Despite the ill-judged backing of Parliament in the civil war , the family flourished and up to the present century remained prominent in Cornish — and national — affairs .
6 Another person could weep and out of the weeping find memories of strengths which could lead to formulating a treatment plan and a cure .
7 It was surely going to be a doddle , taking up the slabs , using part of the profile of the old pond to define the layout of the new , then some easy digging , smoothing , measuring and down to the aquatic shop for a liner .
8 Would he would he ever stop and down on the way or something like you know overnight ?
9 I do n't know if anybody 's ever seen those but you can actually have a computer at the side and a thing that sits on there and you can change and up on the screen it will appear what 's on the screen on the computer .
10 The article says there was a definite swing away from swinging and back to the values of the fifties .
11 By midnight it 's really rocking and on into the early hours of the morning we adjourn to one of the best discos in Faliraki , Set Disco , where 18–30 Social members can get special discounts .
12 the other end I think they go and round to the right .
13 He got up , went out into the courtyard to piss and on to the kitchen to beg for a cup of watered ale and a slice of greasy bacon to silence the hunger pangs of his stomach for he had not eaten since leaving Holy Rood Abbey the previous day .
14 On into the Room Without a Name they had passed and through to the room it communicated with , the Room of Astonishment , so called because it had a cupboard in it with a little staircase inside that wound its way up into the loft .
15 Is your preference to find something to enjoy , or just get the exercise finished and out of the way ?
16 Many of the dancers were already showered and changed and out of the building .
17 They presented a target thus for only a matter of seconds , though three of them fell in that time ; then they were hand-to-hand and at blows with the prince 's bodyguard and this was battle as it had formerly been understood between knights , and the hovering archers were crippled and out of the fight .
18 Turning from the functions of legislating and authorizing both expenditure and taxation to the other traditional function of pressing the government , the procedures involved have also undergone change but there has been a greater effort made to keep this weapon sharpened and up to the armour it has to pierce .
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