Example sentences of "[verb] that [prep] a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In October 1991 it was disclosed that as a result of the Ministry of Defence ( MoD ) Options for Change report , Kemble and Hullavington would close .
2 Critics of the JCT point to these compromises and suggest that as a result either the client or the contractor is at a disadvantage .
3 Robin adds that as a boy he saw both the Graf Zeppelin and R–101 , obviously an enthusiast from an early age .
4 Did you know that as a member of Convocation you may borrow books from the Clifford Whitworth University Library and have access to the Library 's collections ?
5 Investors are reminded that as a consequence of the general nature of the investments held and of possible exchange and interest rate fluctuations , the value of their shares and the yield from them may go down as well as up and that past performance is no guide to the future .
6 In one sense , the Nonjurors were Jacobites by definition , since they refused to accept that as a result of the Revolution William and Mary were now rightful and lawful rulers instead of James .
7 B may refuse to accept that as a repudiation by S. In that case B will be able to sue for damages for non-delivery if on December 1 S does not deliver .
8 and then when it 's got that and it 's got end on the bottom here , at the end of the stopping zone , you 've got to know that on a motorway
9 Therefore you will need to rewrite that in a way which mean something to modern erm , readers .
10 He 'd buy that from a cobbler 's shop , from a shoe repairer 's shop .
11 You 'll have a chance to come back on whether we have got the wrong impression on that , I mean I recall Mr Heselton 's quite clearly , but let me pursue that at a stage further if if we take that as our impression of what you have said collectively , and you are asked to make provision for nine thousand seven hundred dwellings , again collectively in the Greater York area , and I 'm addressing this question to the districts , what provision would you make in your districts of your district figure in the Greater York area ?
12 The author recalls an able Treasury minister who , after resignation , became a convinced and cogent parliamentary reformer , explaining that as a minister he had had no time to work out this aspect of policy and therefore , since the Treasury was opposed to more specialist committees of the House of Commons , he used the brief they provided and he had been a formidable opponent of these reforms at the Cabinet Committee level .
13 Phizacklea and Miles show some sensitivity to the contradictory nature of working-class consciousness and emphasize that in a number of workers high levels of class consciousness nevertheless coexisted with considerable hostility towards local blacks .
14 A PART FROM a few dedicated individuals who preferred to do it the ‘ hard way ’ ( we 'll discuss that in a moment ) , the flying of a model helicopter upside down became possible with the introduction of the ‘ invert switch ’ .
15 I realise that to a man like you this situation is probably an open invitation to a spot of casual sex , even if generally you do n't fancy redheads , as you so gallantly pointed out when we first met … ’
16 The experts say that for a woman over about 40 , SERPS is definitely going to be better , and if she has been paying into a contracted out PP scheme up to that time , she should change over then .
17 Cider sales are up seven percent this year … and the makers say that despite a bumper crop , they need all the fruit they can get .
18 Analysts say that as a result , the company 's financial room for manoeuvre is becoming limited .
19 Officials say that as a result of Mr Hindmarsh 's letter , bosses in the Darlington area which stretches to Middlesbrough , Hawes , Spennymoor and Northallerton , will preside over a service which will diminish in quality .
20 And I say that in a right of some statistics that appear in today 's agenda .
21 Q. In a previous reply to a question on Red-bellied Piranhas , you say that in a 4′ tank this species should reach its maximum length of 12″ .
22 ‘ I never doubted that for a moment , ’ he replied in an extremely charming , yet at the same time insolent , tone .
23 I say in interesting , if you built that in a model , people would n't believe you .
24 Purchases are up more than I thought people purchasing all the time is , that 's fine , they 've got a system , we can describe that in a paragraph here and that 'll satisfy them but there 's more of a problem when we 're buying in the software , more than a one off thing .
25 Not only does this increase costs and emphasise differences between richer and poorer children but it also contributes to a very inflexible and inefficient distribution of learning materials , since under this system ‘ shared ’ material is never bought — only class texts — and it is by no means uncommon to find that as a result a class may end up with only two or three books at its disposal , all in multiple copies .
26 In yesterday 's edition of The Northern Echo it was reported that at a meeting of Derwentside Council 's development control sub-committee Labour councillor Eric Turner criticised a fellow councillor , Derek McVickers .
27 The Middle East Economic Digest of Aug. 31 also reported that as a gesture of goodwill Iraq had allowed thousands of Iranians to leave Kuwait for Iran by crossing Iraqi territory at the border between Khorramshahr and Basra .
28 It is reported that in a number of countries that are regionally , culturally and socio-economically heterogeneous , malnutrition has been found to be more common among children born after short than after long intervals ( Rinehart , 1984 , p. 686 ) .
29 Mr Leigh also highlighted the tensions in Government by revealing that as a minister he had organised other meetings of junior ministers in opposition to the Maastricht Bill paving the way for closer European ties .
30 The 1977 Royal Commission on the Press found that for a quality newspaper , production costs accounted for 31% of total costs ; the next largest group of costs were attributed to newsprint and ink .
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