Example sentences of "[verb] to [conj] it [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It makes you think about what you are listening to and it gives you an active role in the lecture process .
2 They can become self-fulfilling prophecies : you go into a situation expecting to fail , even wanting to if it reinforces your self-image — and the inevitable happens .
3 put this program in and you swap it for this er map disk , then it comes up , you tell it where you are , where you going to and it works your route out
4 Its importance , however , is not that we know when doubt becomes unbelief ( for only God knows this and human attempts to say so can be cruel ) , but that we should be clear about where doubt leads to as it grows into unbelief .
5 SLUMP is where the recession is heading to once it has gone through depression .
6 About one quarter of Oxfordshire teachers are unsure as to whether their review and report had led directly to any change at all and with regard to whether it had improved teaching methods , over a third were unsure .
7 Often I stay longer in the shop than I mean to because it smells so good .
8 I did think I might read them some day , when I could bear to and it did n't feel quite so much like prying . ’
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