Example sentences of "[verb] [noun pl] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 The dog relaxed , too , settling more comfortably under her stroking fingers and closing his eyes .
2 The mustard seed produces a shrub about eight to ten feet tall , with branches strong enough to support birds and give them shelter .
3 Finally , once you feel confident that you have selected the appropriate information , you can make notes and review your reading ( see next stage of strategy ) .
4 Make copies and circulate them amongst your friends and family , asking them to check with you before they make their choice — to avoid duplication .
5 contacting employers and encouraging them to use the ES to fill their vacancies ;
6 Hornbills are big and demanding birds that need plenty of space , which is something most zoos do n't have .
7 Environmentalists remain concerned about the use of these compounds and favour products that avoid their use altogether .
8 He hated the vulgarity of showing off the delegates as though they were exhibits , and the insincerity of pretending that platitudes were pronouncements of world-shaking import , and the feeling that he came a long way to greet fellow-Christians and found himself turned into a ham-actor on a second-rate stage .
9 ‘ Did you know ’ , Mrs Phelps said , ‘ that public libraries like this allow you to borrow books and take them home ? ’
10 Peter did not read the newspapers , nor listen to the radio or watch television much ; he read books or played his games .
11 Thank you award winners and thank you all for your contribution to Save The Children Fund .
12 Finally , I did the laundry , cleaned the eating and cooking utensils and washed myself .
13 Under the control of the ubiquitous BBC Microcomputer , these creations whirred through their paces , lifting polystyrene chips out of boxes , drawing pictures and finding their way around .
14 the language used should be accessible to children but should also make demands and extend their language capabilities ;
15 Colin Barnes , the fashion illustrator , who has known her since St Martin 's , says , ‘ Of course outspoken people tread on toes , but they are often the ones who make waves and achieve something . ’
16 Leading companies in the US take the whole process from beginning to end , from assistance in credit marketing , through processing applications to opening accounts and managing them , all based on a complete picture of each individual and their circumstances .
17 Battlefield Engineers build bridges , clear obstacles , build roads or destroy them .
18 Pictures were completely and utterly silent except for the whirr of the projector , or the mutterings of the projectionist when he changed reels and dropped one .
19 You 'll enjoy the advantages of Britain 's most local and convenient stores with opening hours that suit you and a huge range of all the products you 'll need .
20 Arrangements can be made to consolidate debts and pay them off gradually .
21 Practitioners of such technically adept management , the new ‘ professional managers ’ of United States business schools , have recently been lambasted both for their failure to conceive strategies and to implement them as well as for their systematic choice of self-defeating strategies ( Hayes and Abernathy , 1980 ; see also Hayes and Wheelwright , 1984 ; Hayes et al. , 1988 ) .
22 Those who did well out of coffee growing started employing labourers and consolidated their control over the best land .
23 If the committee resolves that a trustee who has used improper solicitation to obtain proxies or to procure his appointment as trustee , should nonetheless receive remuneration for acting as trustee , the court can override this resolution ( r 6.148(2) ) .
24 This year he could help Middlesex win trophies and establish himself in England 's Test side .
25 Council leader Eric Bramfitt said : ‘ Our submission is not about modernising houses and giving everything else a clean lick of paint .
26 The PCAS has accused UCCA of poaching after the universities ' system approached polytechnics and told them it would delay the deadline for its 1993 handbook by two weeks to allow them to join .
27 Steven continues : ‘ There 's a complete balancing out of all the different musical influences which enables us to write songs that make us sound like no-one else .
28 One can , for instance , easily imagine circumstances in which oral utterances including recollections from different times and places are , as it were , placed side by side as in a debating chamber and where the listeners could then recognise contradictions and employ their ‘ critical ’ faculties .
29 My father , brilliant at stripping cars and putting them back together , encouraged my interest in dismantling bicycles , old radios , antique clocks .
30 We therefore want units that bring something qualitatively new , and valuable for most classrooms — an aspect of in-service education , if you like .
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