Example sentences of "[verb] [adv prt] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Then he kicked his horse forward and led on out of the yard .
2 Our piloting suggests that there is very little information here which could not be filled in out of the heads of appropriate teachers on these courses , so filling in the questionnaire should not cost a great deal of time for each person .
3 Yeah and then the horses used to go down out to the line see .
4 There was a thick concrete wall which we were all going to hide behind and we had our helmets on in case any car parts came raining down out of the sky .
5 Robbie was n't normally of a nervous disposition , but one did hear such horrific stories of lone women being attacked in out of the way spots .
6 Ominously , she could n't even see the road when she peered down out of the high window .
7 An adult owl normally knows this and stays in shelter , but inexperienced hunters may not have the sense to come in out of the rain .
8 He would n't have enough sense of self-preservation to come in out of the rain .
9 Will he please help her and others like her to come in out of the cold ?
10 ‘ You did n't really think some sort of Grandson Richard , 39 , was going to swoop down out of the sky and carry us off to Florida , did you ?
11 A man was actually charged with the crime at a Glasgow police station after walking in out of the blue and making a confession .
12 One Saturday morning , without telling anyone of my plan , I boarded a bus and headed off out of the Lesotho capital of Maseru and towards Roma where I knew a witchdoctor lived .
13 Blinking in the sunshine that fell on his face , Tug swam up out of the horrors of the darkness .
14 Before Anabelle could learn more , however , they heard a splash in the canal and turned to see a little brown head bobbing up out of the water .
15 He charged up out of the canal and shook himself , splattering water everywhere .
16 Almost before you can see what has come up out of the hold the fish is loaded on the barrow and trundled off at breakneck speed , followed by the small boys and the cats .
17 She hummed a tune and pretended to care about tasting a fragment of fish she 'd pinched up out of the herby broth .
18 Yeah , well before sh he was born , she stopped doing them and er she phoned up out of the blue and so said to her , no they live at Bognor I think or something .
19 ‘ As the shier and more uncertain of the two brothers , his problem was n't to be wimpish but to be funny , and he knew immediately that the comedy had to come up out of the character , not just out of what he said .
20 They both staggered back out into the corridor .
21 He worked the slide as quietly as he could , chambering a round , then he moved back out into the sitting room towards the door .
22 As Lucy moved back out into the passageway , she met the returning tide from the last ensemble number onstage ; they arrived in a rush , panting like horses and shedding their quasi-military costumes as they moved .
23 But this night , after being ashore an hour or so , the raiders waded back out to the boat arm-pit deep in the rising tide .
24 Some , like Lucie , were confident that Death had long since moved on out of the village .
25 Tolonen leaned forward , looking down out of the porthole .
26 Maybe it is time that I came in out of the storm . "
27 The wind , I thought , was shaking the door , but no , it was St John , who came in out of the frozen darkness , his coat covered in snow .
28 Fountains how could you convey the sense of waters , swirl , surging up out of the deep or something .
29 When I went to what was in effect not merely the memorial of the fifty aft after fifty two years of the people , but of course really the funeral service of the pit and when I went to that here was the chance to dedicate that also , we did it actually at the Memorial Garden where all the pit people are buried and that is right you see , picking up out of the past not sticking in the past , and arranging it as you might say as in that banner to move on into the future .
30 What Odd-Knut has not told him is that the water under the ice is pressurized , and it wells up out of the hole .
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