Example sentences of "[verb] [conj] could [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Some 35% of us weigh over 10% more than we should — for a woman of average height and build that could mean anything from 12lb to 3 or more stone .
2 The baby saw it happening but could do nothing to stop it , its pudgy fingers would not close tightly enough to grasp the string … .
3 He also has to check that there are no major road or other Local Authority plans that could affect your property .
4 I listened to myself make a horrible noise like Eric going crazy over the phone , and hoped that nobody was passing and could see me in such an undignified and weak position .
5 I went to inspect and could see it was a half-plucked pheasant .
6 RIGHT Always approach any stray dog with caution — it might be injured and could resent your attention .
7 When St Paul told the Christians in Philippi that he had learnt to be content , he did n't mean that he was smug ; it did n't mean that he had been well fed and could put his feet up .
8 His touch was warm and soft , as were his incredible eyes , hooded now with something she recognised but could do nothing to deny .
9 ‘ I knew there were only seconds to go and could feel my strength failing with each moment , and a drifting kind of sleep coming on me which whispered , ‘ Give up , Minch , give up … ’ and it was only the knowledge that I was of Callanish , the greatest of the sites , that kept me fighting those few more seconds .
10 He had a splendid tea arranged and could see his profits disappearing yet further .
11 And a Liverpool painter 's son , who after his father died ‘ was brought up with me grandmother ’ , calling her ‘ mother ’ , chose not to return to his real mother when she remarried and could offer him a home again : ‘ They 'd brought me up , and it would n't be fair for them to take me after from rearing me . ’
12 These various substantives evoke a state or quality which disposes the support to perform an action ( willingness , desire , impudence , ability , etc. ) , an action he performs which prevents or could prevent him from realizing it ( hesitation , refusal , reluctance , etc. ) , something he needs in order to realize it ( right , permission ) , a circumstance in which he finds himself which favours something 's occurrence ( chance , occasion ) , etc. — all of which evoke a situation existing before the infinitive event , and so imply a reference to a prior position of the support .
13 I had just woken and could hear my pulse .
14 Maybe we should have solved our problems more quickly ( of course in a perfect world everyone always should ) , but better by far to have gone on and on , testing , probing , questioning and changing , until we finally had a solution which worked and could take us where we wanted to be .
15 He swallowed but could say nothing .
16 For all Wexford knew or could remember there might have been a bank robbery in that city at that time .
17 Inside her she felt a power she could never manage to express ; it was trapped inside her like water under the ground and she was the only one with the dowser 's twigs who knew where it lay and could bring it to the surface .
18 Indeed it did , to anybody who remembered or could visual-ise it as a busy dock .
19 And how was it to be achieved — was there agreement about it within the leadership and the wider society , and did a political agency exist that could bring it into being ?
20 And so , er , when th the reapers were gathering in the harvest they were not allowed to go right to the edge of the field , they had to leave a border , they were not to go right into the corners , they were to leave those areas , so that the poorer members , so that those who did not have could come and could gather what was left behind .
21 I wonder if could do something about the window in the great chamber wind 's blowing through .
22 you know , they were willing to share what I had but could give nothing financially in return .
23 His muscles contracted but could force nothing else out .
24 little bits , little bits and I 'll buy you your tobacco Neil nothing much but little bits of something now if he were working and could give me the full sixty that is thirty for his room and thirty for his food so that I did n't have to worry about th actually paying for him but he was paying me Paul is going to pay me fifty that 's thirty pounds in , I made a rule to Paul that he is going to eat thirty pounds worth of food and there are only twenty pounds in my profit and then the other rule , a man called Alan this window cleaner he wants the room that I 'm in at the moment
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