Example sentences of "[noun] who [adv] have [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Many are developing a hatred of those foreigners who still have jobs in Lauchhammer .
2 I presume there are people with second homes who actually have money which they 've put aside for the right property .
3 Those listeners who also had television sets were asked about their viewing .
4 I HAVE a daughter and stepdaughter who both have children .
5 A band 's early live dates may attract interest from management companies who already have artists signed to record companies .
6 Splitting the group up into small parties , each led by a parent who already has children at the school is a useful idea .
7 Everything has gone right since we came here , ’ said Denis who now has Wayne Swinscoe as a neighbour and occasional drinking partner .
8 I went to see the Minister who had come to help Rev Kenneth who now had duties in other parts of London .
9 Reference will be made to manufacturers as well as to auctioneers who also have liabilities ( and rights ) distinct from those of the seller or buyer .
10 Take , for example , a homebuyer with a £50,000 mortgage who also has £10,000 in a 90-day Halifax Building Society account .
11 Would QTs who still have copies if J Rogers : ADULTS LEARNING and/or L B Curzon : TEACHING IN FE please return them either to or any trainer .
12 It gets very predictable from here , folks , as the grumpy Crane — a leading biologist who nevertheless has kittens at the sight of a snake — and dour old Campbell trade verbal punches and then simmering , sensual looks as they scamper about the jungle trying to rediscover the magic mix .
13 Particularly in Southeast Asia , China and South America , there is a whole group interested in buying art who neither have experience of buying at auction nor understand our role as agents acting on behalf of buyers and sellers .
14 A person in possession of a moveable chattel ( e.g. a painting ) who loses it , or has it stolen from him or otherwise taken from him against his will can demand it back within five years from any person who then has possession of it [ Art .
15 If Mephistco really is determined to punish me for defying the Review Board , they have far more efficient methods at their disposal than sending some freelance vagabond who still has boneyard dust behind her ears to do their dirty work .
16 People who already have breathing problems are badly affected if pollution levels are high when they come into the city centre .
17 Seeking to ensure that people are seen to live in pleasant , ordinary homes , are seen to drive in ordinary vehicles ( not Sunshine buses , for example ) , go on ordinary holidays ( not with large groups of other people who also have handicaps ) , wear attractive clothes , have attractive hairstyles , receive the same kind of support services as other people , and now , with social role valorisation ( Wolfensberger , 1983 ) be seen to have appropriate , valued roles in society ; seeking all this begins to sound dangerously close to a marketing strategy .
18 Recently it has been found that those old people who either have pets of their own or who have access to animals are often actually healthier — and are certainly happier — than those who have no such contact .
19 I was actually astonished to find Mill making exactly this argument against another proposal in erm a later chapter because he considers a possibility and some people have put forward the view apparently , I have n't heard of this , erm in the version that Mill discusses , that the two stage action where we vote for people who then go to vote for the members of parliament so the individual people do n't vote directly for members of parliament but they vote for people who then have elections an election among themselves .
20 Granny Granville decided that there was a potential market amongst sports pilots , the relatively few rich young people who still had money .
21 The whole operation is under the control of a production manager who also has responsibility for quality control .
22 Moreover , they go on , even areas of the curriculum outside the specialist mainstream , like careers education , remedial work or vocational preparation , should only be undertaken by teachers who already have experience of teaching a specialist subject .
23 After that Emerson was able to ease his way through the stages , ignoring the charging Leckey who twice had differentials fail on his Escort but still stayed ahead .
24 The 4,244 members who now have library tickets borrowed 12,087 items in 1992 and the library was used approximately 22,000 times in total .
25 Paul gets deeply drunk at a New Year 's Eve party , where those friends who already have children get wheezily maudlin and dilate on the sheer cost of small kids versus the sheer joy of small kids ; while those who do n't have kids elbow him constantly , calling him a bit of a sharp-shooter , a devil , a sperm-bank , a prong , a peopler of nations and an irresponsible git .
26 Wrong examples confuse pupils who already have difficulties with words , so never give an incorrect example on the board as a teaching point .
27 A branch manager of the bank had allegedly issued false deposit certificates with a face value of up to 342,000 million yen to Nui Onoue , an Osaka businesswoman who allegedly had links with leading members of Japan 's organized crime syndicates .
28 Children who also have asthma should be tested cautiously .
29 An Old English Sheepdog needing a minimum of an hour 's grooming a day sold to a mother of four children who barely has time to brush her own hair ?
30 This is often what lies behind the suspicion which is aroused by widows , divorcees , and unhappily married women whom men who already have partners are so keen to help .
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