Example sentences of "[noun] can be as [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Through the selective use of marketing techniques , particularly through listening and responding , schools can be as effective at marketing as the most successful commercial organisations .
2 Teachers in comprehensive schools can be as imaginative and as devoted as in any other kind of school .
3 Among certain groups living in southern Africa the labia can be as long as seven inches and the owners of such equipment have to push the lips back into the vaginal opening in order to get on with their daily tasks .
4 But neither the board nor the judiciary can be as close , or as sensitive , to public opinion as a minister responsible to Parliament and to the electorate .
5 Currently , production personnel spend nearly 4 per cent of their working time in training , but the figure can be as high as 25 per cent in the case of new nuclear power stations .
6 The break-up of a partnership can be as catastrophic as bereavement .
7 Unger wants to revise psychological theory , but retain psychology 's emphasis on objectivity , since ‘ feminist scholarship can be as objective as any other scholarship with a particular theoretical bias ’ ( 1979 : ix ) .
8 There is evidence that brief counselling by the general practitioner can be as effective as minor tranquillizers for patients with mild to moderate symptoms of anxiety and depression associated with social difficulties , without the risks involved in the use of minor tranquillizers .
9 In today 's issue of Nature , a team of scientists at the University of Bath and the Natural History Museum has taken the first step to explain why their shapes can be as diverse and striking as those of snowflakes .
10 The pool constructed from a liner can be as large and irregular as the gardener fancies and yet can be adapted simply to accommodate a bog garden as well .
11 The impulse to partner parents can be as strong for children as the temptation for parents to confide in their children as if they were partners .
12 Although computed tomography can be as sensitive as MRI in the detection of nodular leptomeningeal tumour , enhanced MRI imaging is more sensitive in the detection of diffuse meningeal enhancement against the inner table of the skull .
13 From haute cuisine right through to superb vegetarian menus , dining at the Sauerhof can be as waist-expanding or waistreducing as you require .
14 Cos there are people in Britain who simply do n't believe that the public sector can be as efficient as the private sector .
15 To date , Washington has amassed career earnings of $512,272 , ( 7/4/92 ) , a figure which demonstrates to others who might be thinking of following in his footsteps that tennis can be as lucrative as either baseball or basketball .
16 Turn around times for replacing a standard outsole can be as low as 30 minutes , but even when more complicated adjustments and corrections have to be made , shoes are usually back on your feet the same day .
17 As I mentioned previously , there are six major plates covering the surface of this planet , and ten or so that are classified as minor ( though even minor plates can be as big as entire continents ) .
18 The descriptions can be as varied as you like along this sort of theme , providing the adventurers with something to think over as they approach the Castle .
19 Here is a most revealing instance of the way a difference within the same , teleologically construed , can make a great deal of difference : in effect a difference of degree can be as real as a difference of kind but in a different way : the lesser is inferior and thereby inimical in a way the antithetical can not be , and the same becomes more ditferent than difference itself .
20 Amid the peace and comfort of your surroundings , you can enjoy healthy and delicious food , natural therapies and treatments , and any exercise can be as rigorous or as gentle as you wish .
21 A skilled endoscopist is essential , but the equipment can be as simple as a standard endoscope and an injection needle .
22 Few buildings can be as symbolic of the Roman Empire as the mighty Colosseum in Rome , few sights as good a record of renaissance ingenuity as the cathedral in Florence .
23 The bands can be as deep as you like and the whole time you are creating a unique structure .
24 Frosts can occur well into the summer , while snow may fall in spring , and autumn days can be as balmy as summer or bitter as winter .
25 Eastern Europe shows that worker-owned factories can be as inefficient as state-owned ones — and a lot harder to shut down .
26 The patterns on these elegant hot-air balloons can be as detailed as you wish — perhaps you might like to make fondant stripes , zig-zags or spots , or pipe on old-fashioned loops and tassels of rope .
27 We are often also faced , however , with the need to tolerate contradictions , not to strive for an illusory or impossible ideal , and to avoid self-punishing forms of anxiety , defence and guilt ( and feminist guilt can be as punishing as any other kind ) .
28 You come and go with your offerings of help and affection , knowing that what they really need is a constant presence , and sometimes this knowledge can be as painful for you as it is for them .
29 While the distribution of resources will inevitably continue to be uneven , it should be emphasized that awareness of , and use made of resources can be as important as funding or staff available .
30 Now his conscience can be as comfortable as his lifestyle — it 's simple to rest easy if you have already earned £1.6 million .
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