Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun pl] over [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Prima facie the rules against perpetuities applies to the grant of easements over things not in existence at the date of the lease .
2 First , under an approved share option scheme overseas participants are restricted to shares under option up to a maximum of £100 000 value ( UK resident participants are not restricted to £100 000 value and are eligible for the grant of options over shares up to an aggregate value of four times annual remuneration ) .
3 TV payment is a vital part of negotiations over boxers ' fees .
4 Nothing could be further from costume drama or the spreading of cloaks over puddles .
5 ONE of the great advantages of villages over cities for chronic insomniacs , such as I am , is that late at night there is nothing to do in a village except read .
6 It recommends a full evaluation study of the problem , and urges an end to the disagreement in the Council of Ministers over regulations governing finance for pollution research .
7 The adverse consequences of such loose rein appointment procedures were not lost on one White House aide who served both Nixon and Reagan During the transition the Reagan forces took a number of steps designed to deal with the sort of problems over appointments that Nixon had encountered .
8 The population level remained stable despite a surplus of baptisms over burials .
9 Any overall surplus of exports over imports would result from an excess of saving and a lack of consumption and investment within the economy .
10 Even allowing for a slight predominance of boys over girls among children , this still suggests that around two-thirds of the first generation of mill workers were female .
11 We do not have direct evidence of other galaxies , but it seems likely that they are composed of particles and that in the universe as a whole , there is an excess of particles over antiparticles of about one particle per 10 8 photons .
12 This argument starts from a different point on the balance of payments circle , with the excess of imports over exports .
13 At the year end the group had an excess of liabilities over assets of £2.987m and was in breach of its main banking facilities .
14 Although the number of births might fall , there was throughout this period an excess of births over deaths — and , indeed , an excess over deaths plus the loss by emigration .
15 Nevertheless it can come as a shock to a trained accountant to discover that 21 billion of net expenditure is accounted for in this way : no assets ; no liabilities , just an excess of payments over receipts of 20 ; 8 billion compared with a budgeted excess of 20.6 billion .
16 Similarly , an excess of payments over receipts can not be called a loss because apart from anything else the payments might include the acquisition of assets .
17 The triangle ACB measures the social profit or excess of benefits over costs from such an output expansion .
18 For i = 1 , … , m , we will write for the excess of requirements over stocks held at site i of some commodity .
19 Because the faculty receives an excess of applications over places available , having the grades listed in the table of course requirements does not mean that a place will necessarily be offered .
20 An excess of receipts over payments can not be called income because receipts might include capital receipts .
21 In the theoretical sections of this Lecture , we have described how taxation may affect the development of endowments over generations , taking account of the transmission of earning capacity and the inheritance of wealth .
22 While a broad historical trend was noted towards the limitation of the once near-absolute rights of parents over children by state agencies , with the declared objective of protecting the child 's interests and welfare , it seemed that in recent policies a number of different themes could be identified , involving potentially conflicting values and assumptions about children , parents , the state and the rights and roles of different parties in the child care situation .
23 Times were changing ; the popes had abolished the use of chrism in the imperial anointing , had denied the authority of kings over priests ; the time would shortly come when the popes themselves claimed to be vicars of Christ , and interpreted the phrase to mean that in the last analysis all earthly authority was mediated through them , not through kings .
24 In the absence of controls over referrals by non-budget holding GPs , the provision that under such contracts ‘ payment would be on a case by case basis , without any prior commitment by either party to the volume of cases which might be so dealt with ’ , would appear very similar to a prospective payment system .
25 I think that it 's only a fear of women but it 's also a belief in the innate or or learn superiority of men over women
26 The definition of Rights over shares ( see below ) includes irrevocable undertakings ; therefore , such agreements are caught by Rule 5 of the City Code and the SARs .
27 Golfers , with bags of clubs over shoulders , boarded tramcars which would take them to many of the numerous golf-clubs in and around the city .
28 They have discovered that Oxford has a near monopoly of complaints over breaches of the voluntary advertising code , compared to the rest of the country .
29 It is also the key to a Pandora 's Box of problems over rights and copyright .
30 Because its essential expression was money , which merely expresses the relationship of exchange , other forms of expression which demonstrated the domination of persons over persons had to supplement it .
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