Example sentences of "[noun] of the [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He reached into any dip of information for enlightenment on the customs and manners of the people of Oceania .
2 Concern for the poor , and the distribution of alms , responsibility for widows and orphans , and also the visitation of those in prison , all of which came to be recognized as being within the purview of the Church in legal texts , derived from the New Testament .
3 In other words , it was the settled view of European law , at that stage in its development , that upon accession , a member state abandoned sovereign control over its affairs to the extent that they fell within the purview of the Treaty of Rome , as interpreted by the European Court of Justice .
4 He stipulated that his kinsman John Herringman should have ‘ my Coppyes and partes of Coppys of Books as they stand entered in the Register Booke of the Company of Staconers … provided that he serves out his seaven years of Apprentishipp justly and truly ’ .
5 This " Maximum Rate " was made up of the arithmetic mean of the trend of GNP of EC countries , the average rise in member states ' budgets , and the trend in the cost of living .
6 This is achieved in the following way : first calculate the mean of the two adjacent values — the skip mean — thus skipping the middle value ; then calculate the mean of the value to be smoothed and the skip mean .
7 The difference between 1n lung function and the predicted value was antilogged , and the difference between result and the mean of the distribution of the antilogged residuals calculated and divided by the standard deviation .
8 The mean of the distribution of beliefs on z is the only moment used by B t 's in deciding how to behave and we will now quote a result which shows that the mean of the distribution of beliefs is a linear function of past data .
9 The mean of the distribution of beliefs on z is the only moment used by B t 's in deciding how to behave and we will now quote a result which shows that the mean of the distribution of beliefs is a linear function of past data .
10 In the future , therefore , we must encourage publishers to be a little more forthcoming about the basis on which they offer readability data , and look carefully to see whether what they have calculated really is the population mean of the book in question .
11 Since children were randomised to treatment group by cluster in the Survival Study , the results , both of the baseline comparisons and the mortality rates , were analysed by a comparison of the mean of the results in each of the 92 vitamin A clusters against the mean of the results in each of the 93 placebo clusters .
12 Since children were randomised to treatment group by cluster in the Survival Study , the results , both of the baseline comparisons and the mortality rates , were analysed by a comparison of the mean of the results in each of the 92 vitamin A clusters against the mean of the results in each of the 93 placebo clusters .
13 The grand mean of the samples of 4 , which we call , and the mean of the individual observations , x― , are nearly the same and approach each other as the number of samples increases .
14 The grand mean of the samples of 4 , which we call , and the mean of the individual observations , , are nearly the same and approach each other as the number of samples increases .
15 Taking the mean of the contributions from the 68 and 90% population fractions produced the expression :
16 She was butchered at the wheel of the vehicle by her attacker who hung through the passenger window , repeatedly slicing her with the panga .
17 Chief Insp Vic Williams , top , at the wheel of the car with the camera fitted at the top of the windscreen .
18 At the wheel of the XJR-S on a traffic-laden A11 , pushing the big car past streams of trucks at high speed , Brundle 's driving is like a chauffeur 's : it looks as if anybody could do what he is doing .
19 He gave a little jerk of the shoulder on which the sack hung .
20 Great big hops , big as a whole cage up there , ’ with a jerk of the head in the direction of ( I supposed ) a zoo .
21 A jerk of the finger on the trigger .
22 reports for nineteen ninety one to nineteen ninety two the Metropolitan Borough of the outcome of which local authorities in redundancy pay .
23 He died from cirrhosis of the liver at the Princess Elizabeth Hospital , Guernsey , 6 October 1973 .
24 In his sermon on passion Sunday in 1687 he spoke of blasphemies , perfidy and superstition in such a way as to be understood to be referring , Evelyn relates , ‘ to the Romish priests and the new religion of the Council of Trent ’ .
25 Totemism is the earliest form of religion , according to Freud , and he quotes Robertson Smith 's The Religion of the Semites in which the sacrifice of an animal at the altar is said to be the most fundamental element in religion .
26 In terms of the Irish catholic — nationalist context today , pietism and authoritarianism have tended to structure the religion of the people to a significant extent , though the numbers subscribing to its world view appear to be declining .
27 On the Sulawesi warty pig 's native island , which it shares with the babirusa , its fortunes can depend on the religion of the people in the neighbourhood .
28 Now the 106 member states belonging to CITES ( the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species ) have imposed a ban on the import and export of the skins of spotted cats .
29 There was , however , a very practical reason for the facing of the galleries in these directions .
30 The local authority exercising its parental responsibility would certainly have to consider very carefully whether it accepted that practitioner 's advice and any advice as to the risks of the transfer of J. from one hospital to another before giving its consent to such different treatment .
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