Example sentences of "[noun] he would [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 Every spring he would hire a small bus to take the older children to the foothills of the Apennines .
2 It was nice to talk over old times and Swire Sugden assured me that in future he would get a consensus before sending in the bulldozers .
3 If he were a poet he would write a poem to that glimpse of bare ankle .
4 In the resultant Postlethwait audio-tutorial laboratory , open from around 7.00 a.m. to 11.30 pm. , the student could come at a time of his own choosing ; at the entrance he would receive a descriptive hand-out explaining what books , notes , equipment would be necessary to bring along ; once inside he would be given a botanical specimen and would enter a pleasant area equipped with a multiplicity of booths or carrels .
5 He concluded with a promise that before the next session he would obtain a less expensive plan probably providing accommodation for the Foreign Colonial and India Offices , and although reception rooms should be included , the residence could be omitted .
6 Mr Yeltsin said that by December he would present a new law on forming a government that would have cancelled his special powers .
7 At any moment he would slide a spike between her ribs .
8 On board days he would wear a tailcoat .
9 Some days he would follow a man , a man he 'd just seen in the street , for minutes or for hours , thinking he would go up to him and ask him if he knew the way .
10 He gave out that he would hold a great meeting and that at that meeting he would give a present to every animal and bird , to make each one different from the rest And all the creatures set out to go to the meeting-place .
11 If the eagle could only reach there in safety he would have a chance of following almost continuous high ground to Scotland …
12 And he added his hope that in about two years he would have a more straightforward kind of book ready , developing his published studies on Diogenes Laertius , and possibly also an edition of Aeschylus ' Libation Bearers ( on which he had been lecturing earlier in the year ) Without any direct reference to this last suggestions Ritschl , in his reply a few weeks later , implicitly endorsed it .
13 Even at this stage he was thinking of the day he would bring a murderer into court and his evidence would have to stand up to a hostile defence counsel .
14 One day he would make a mistake , then she would have him .
15 Often he would shave it off , but the next day he would have a beard just the same .
16 When entrusted with government he did not make a mess of it ; if deprived of his rights he would make a much more serious opponent than the Young King .
17 Each spring Dad arranged a treat : exactly three weeks prior to Easter Sunday he would put a dozen fertilised eggs under a broody hen in a portable house and run below the kitchen window , where she was safe from predators .
18 But then , a week later , she had a visit from a strange man enquiring for her father , and who , after being told of his demise , informed her he had been asked to sell the property for which he had felt able to assure her father he would get a good price , seeing that land around was scarce .
19 But the players were singing in it afterwards and Dowie managed to take a tenner off Bingham ; he had bet the manager he would score a goal .
20 I certainly welcome any statement made by any Israeli politician to the effect that if in government he would put a freeze on the settlement policy .
21 George was a Sheffield man , and proud of it , accent and all , although everyone agreed that if George was dressed in a loincloth and turban he would make a very impressive hillman of the Khyber Pass , with his dark hair and very tanned skin .
22 Evidently he was determined to walk alone , and unless Doreen broke down his defences he would become a replica of his uncle .
23 The exercise had its practical value , but he recognized that , in some obscure way , it fulfilled a psychological need , just as in boyhood he would explore a country church by first walking slowly round it before , with a frisson of awe and excitement , pushing open the door and beginning his planned progress of discovery to the central mystery .
24 When they got to the Place of Tombs he would find a way of breaking them up .
25 Next time he came on one of these recces he would bring a bag for these trophies , but the chinagraph pencil had worked well in noting on his slate the depths of water and the position of that false beach .
26 On the other hand he would have a much enlarged Aquitaine , to be held in sovereignty , the ‘ perpetual liberty ’ which he had instructed the Black Prince to demand of his royal prisoner in 1357 , and which would remove at a stroke the threat of confiscation .
27 Well if , if you remember we , we agreed with Keith he would have a think that and a talk
28 He decided that on the way he would take a look at the nearby clump of trees from which the eerie sounds had drifted during the night .
29 When he was offered the Rangers job , he told his estranged wife that there was no way he would become a sterotypical manager ‘ working all hours and driving myself crazy ’ .
30 Stubbornness was an early characteristic , as was the way he would call a halt to any admonishment laid down by Mud .
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