Example sentences of "[noun] that [noun prp] had give " in BNC.

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1 To that extent they ought to have wide circulation , except that they depend on the kind of painstaking preparation that Knussen had given them — the music sounded taught and nurtured rather than merely rehearsed .
2 It was the first order of its kind that Patrick had given , but both Mrs James and Sarah immediately moved towards the door .
3 He took out the remaining hand-grenade that Frankie had given him in New Orleans and slipped that into his inside pocket .
4 He did not fit the description of Jim Lancaster that Blanche had given him in the car that morning .
5 He was schooling a new st'lyan that Burun had given him .
6 Tessa sat at Bob 's desk in the empty department all afternoon , newspaper files stacked in front of her , trying intermittently to finish the job that Dyson had given her .
7 From this it followed that whoever was archbishop of Canterbury inherited all the powers that Gregory had given to Augustine , just as the pope inherited all the powers that Christ had given to St Peter .
8 From this it followed that whoever was archbishop of Canterbury inherited all the powers that Gregory had given to Augustine , just as the pope inherited all the powers that Christ had given to St Peter .
9 I was uncomfortable talking about the poems and Rory 's papers ; the bag lost on the train coming back from Lochgair at the start of the year had stayed lost , and — stuck with just the memory of the half-finished stuff that Janice had given me originally — I 'd given up on any idea I 'd ever had of trying to rescue Uncle Rory 's name from artistic oblivion , or discovering some great revelation in the texts .
10 The yellow silk square that Steve had given him was in his back pocket ; eight boxes of buckshot in each saddlebag ; binoculars in his combat jacket ; two rolls of inch-wide parcel tape ; fifty feet of light line ; steel hammer and hall a dozen steel spikes ; spare combat jacket and two pairs of jungle trousers ; for night work , black cotton roll-neck , black tracksuit bottoms and black cotton gloves ; slacks and a light jumper for Mariana .
11 Poindexter , although he had cautioned North not to ‘ talk in plain language ’ , confessed that he had never used the three-by-five cards covered with codes that North had given him ; he just carried them in his briefcase .
12 They found the picture of Jill that Sayeed had given me more than eighteen months before .
13 She was so near to tears that her only outlet was to tell the whole sorry tale , including the news that Joanna had given her the day before .
14 But she had n't forgotten the kiss that Julius had given her .
15 At the slow , jerking speed of city traffic at night , he drove toward the address that Ashdown had given him for the rendezvous .
16 And I was reaching some conclusions about the choice that Gharr had given me .
17 Bernice tried to recall the initial lessons that Cheryl had given her , soon after the TARDIS had landed on Belial .
18 It was divided into two parts , her own list of household requirements , and the list that Isabel had given to her , which read :
19 It was the tiny jade sculpture of Kuan Yin that DeVore had given Gesell only the week before .
20 But whatever else was lost , the impetus that Winckelmann had given to Greek scholarship in Germany survived ; and if we wish to understand its subsequent history and the remarkable growth of German classical scholarship as a whole , we should not forget his formative contribution , even though much of the impending development can hardly be traced directly back to him .
21 Li told Maude that China had given " high acclaim " to recent " friendly gestures " by the UK Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher .
22 In return , I gave him one of twelve tiny mouth-organs that Hohner had given me .
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