Example sentences of "[noun] that [verb] [adv] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 Both tortoises and armadillos are animals that carry around their own suit of armour , and at first glance we might think they were related .
2 I sat tight in my seat , my big knees grating against the row in front , trying to ignore the agonising cramps that tore up my thighs .
3 But it was Signals that offered just what we need before settling down on Saturday night with soft cushions and iron rations : a clear summary , and the chance to fix on the central characters in this huge dramatic tapestry .
4 Excitement spread tentacles that fastened round her heart , squeezing it mercilessly so that it was unable to beat , tentacles that compressed her lungs so they were unable to breathe .
5 And she could not sort out her brain while he stood less than a foot away , watching her with eyes that gave away nothing of his own thoughts .
6 Meanwhile , Flupper showed us the deadly thorn bushes that wrap round their prey like octopuses : and then whooshed us off at savage speeds — sometimes so fast he aquaplaned over the water .
7 And as for damage to an historic monument , to wit Dumbarton Rock , and the subject of the piece in The Observer , the photograph that appeared alongside it gives the lie to this self-generated argument .
8 Of the 16 funds that made up our Global Strategy umbrella fund when it was launched five years ago , no less than four have come first in their respective sectors over this period , according to Finstat .
9 Staff need to be made aware of the indicators that trigger off their own prejudices — snotty noses , nose- and ear-rings , coloured hair , leather jackets , elaborate and expensive school uniforms , gum-chewing — all those things that set off an expectation of a certain kind of behaviour , regardless of the individual young person 's personality .
10 My head is buzzin' like a hive of bees ’ ) and ‘ Wonderland ’ ( ‘ Succumbing to the he-dog sound/Of the mystifying beat combo That breaks down your door ’ ) among the worst offenders .
11 He put little slips of paper in the entries that made up his fragile narrative or non-narrative .
12 Chronicle of Aviation ( JL International Publishing , 984pp , illus , hbk , £29.95 ) edited by Bill Gunston , is one of those coffee table sized encyclopaedia books that contains almost anything and everything about aviation !
13 Icelandic weather is really buggering me about , I decide , and conditions are now near perfect except for the metre of soft snow that lies over everything in sight .
14 Make a list of words that describe how you think Brian Smart would feel about coming to school each day .
15 In the months that lie ahead there will be a series of Dances usually once per month on a Friday night from 8 p.m. until midnight dancing to big band music with bar and refreshments .
16 Her hand strayed to the key that hung around her neck .
17 Jennifer , in a blue tracksuit that showed off her blonde hair to perfection , was sitting in her wheelchair .
18 Rustling in her stiff new overall — Mr Mulgrove 's administrative eye had rested in disappointment on the extra foot of Anna 's grey corduroy skirt that hung below it — Anna followed Tim out of the warehouse and down a grim cold staircase on to the shop floor .
19 Penny that come today she 's a horse fanatic , she 's only just sold her own , her own horse , but oh they 're out of this world , absolutely , were n't they , they were just stunning .
20 As the curtain opened there hobbled from the wings what appeared to be an old Chinese mandarin with flowing blue robes , black silk jacket and red-buttoned Mandarin cap over hair that fell down his back in a long pigtail .
21 Looking in the mirror that was perched precariously on the windowsill , he combed back the hair that hung over his eyes .
22 He tousled her hair that tumbled over her shoulders in a wild , bright mane of warmest auburn .
23 Turning from the window , she gazed on the face of her husband , a kind face and not unattractive , with its straight features and good skin , and the unruly mop of hair that tumbled over his forehead ; he stirred in her arms , whimpering like a child , and pressing himself against her .
24 A lot of black hair that curled down her back .
25 For instance , if we want a trajectory that goes then we start in region 1 ; to get to region 3 we must be in the right-hand " third " of region 1 ; if we are going to go on from region 3 to region 4 , we must be in the right-hand " third " of that " third " ; and , to go on to region 2 , in the left " third " of that " third " , etc .
26 And a flash that shuddered up her spine to the back of her head
27 His eyes blinked violently in a spasm that screwed up his face in rapid jerks .
28 She looked at Tommaso Talvi in her mind 's eye , she adjusted her image of him to fit with her sister 's , she inventoried his features , beginning with the eyes , and redrafted them in order to see them as ‘ pretty ’ , she scanned his caffelatte pallor and his big hands , grasping the bread she had cut for him , she looked at his mouth , the purplish fullness of his lips and the strong teeth that showed when he grinned , as he had done , often , but without laughter , when the men were disagreeing about the possibilities of change , the chances of the election on returning the Socialists , of bringing about improvements for the labourers now that the franchise had at last been widened to include some people who were n't bosses , like her father , a music teacher with a sense of honour , of justice .
29 The Pensioner was , however , careful to note that ‘ it 's the votes in Parliament that show up your MP , NOT WHAT HE SAYS ON THE PLATFORM . ’
30 He would sympathize with the computer that puts up its little sign , ‘ Memory full ’ .
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