Example sentences of "[noun] that she [verb] it " in BNC.

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1 The Church appeared no longer to be the guiding force that she believed it once had been , and felt it ought still to be .
2 His reply was so matter-of-fact , so lacking in emotion that she found it hard to believe .
3 If you do give your heroine this skill you will have to some extent to prove to your readers that she had it .
4 Franca had her pride , and part of making her situation endurable must be the fiction that she endured it , if not cheerfully , at least stoically .
5 It was when she turned away from the window that she saw it .
6 She is so slowed down by the dope slamming fifty visions of hell at her a second that she finds it hard to fight , hard to believe in her own anger , hard to believe in what she 's doing .
7 I said , she 's alright , but it was n't the ordeal that she thought it was going to be .
8 His look as he glanced across at her resembled so much that of a shamefaced small boy that she found it hard to control a smile .
9 The hall into which she stepped was not a hall at all , but a large and very high room , with doors leading off it in most directions , and it was so full of unexpected things that she found it hard to know where to look first .
10 He himself missed his nightly intercourse at the time of the births , even with the knowledge that she resented it .
11 Thrift apologizes , whingeing , for the poisoned sausage , reminding Alix that she ate it twenty years ago , when she had no money and needed the sausage .
12 She did n't attach any importance to it at the time and it was only when she heard we were interested in anyone who had seen Garland between Saturday and Wednesday that she thought it worth mentioning . ’
13 She stalked out of the factory , intending to walk through the grounds to cool off , and it was n't until she was passing the administration block that she realised it was raining .
14 Mrs Barrie-Brown left Fresden to the Roman Research Trust , specifying in the codicil to her will that she wanted it to be turned into an educational centre .
15 Something in her mother 's voice told Lizzy that she meant it .
16 She relayed several more messages , conveying by her voice that she thought it was time he appeared in his office .
17 So taken with this image was former Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher that she let it be known throughout the realm that Marks & Spencer was the place she bought her underwear .
18 DAALNY HAD discarded at once her anger and her pleading as soon as the choice was made , and made in such a fashion that she knew it could not be changed .
19 That might sound like vanity but there 's no doubt that she means it ; she says she looks forward to sleep if she feels Bob might be part of her dreams .
20 In the end , her uncertainty grew to such a pitch that she expressed it .
21 Wilson knew she was being patronised if not mocked outright , but no trace of expression crossed her face and it gave her satisfaction that she knew it did not .
22 He was blocking her exit now and was enjoying the fact that she knew it .
23 In fact her resistance to the ‘ sense ’ of the question is due to the fact that she understands it first in the context of legal discourse : ‘ She had a brief glimpse of a mediaeval bureaucrat … issuing a proclamation : ‘ From 23.59 on the 16th April 1340 , dipthongisation will be optional in the County of Kent ’ ' ( 5 ) .
24 He was shaking now , taking in the fact that she meant it , feeling his heart begin to twist and crinkle like the burning books in Fahrenheit 451 .
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