Example sentences of "[noun] will [adv] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Erm because the old plates and the water inlets and outlets in the machine and the pipework 'll still let stuff in .
2 Teams from the Scouts and Boys ' Brigade will also take part .
3 Foxes will often enlarge rabbit burrows to make the ‘ earth ’ in which they give birth to their young .
4 Decks serving multi- floor accommodation outside the warehouse will also provide escape routes from the upper storage levels , but their structural integrity must be complete in an emergency , although allowing time for people to escape to safety in other protected areas and routes leading to the open air at ground level .
5 As well as being cleaner the new furnace will also save energy :
6 power considerations will usually give way to efficiency — at least in profit-making enterprises , if observations are taken at sufficiently long intervals [ …
7 The British Association for Shooting and Conservation says it will campaign against changes to current regulations , arguing that setting up a complicated bureaucracy to control shooting will only cause confusion .
8 But Mr Maclean said : ‘ Industry will always produce waste .
9 5.6 Reactions to violence will always involve stress and might include feelings of anger , resentment , disgust and rejection , as well as depression , sadness , failure , self-blame and guilt .
10 Clearly , more research needs to be done , but the main point is that the assumption that people with common political aims and grievances will definitely form pressure groups within the liberal democratic context is by no means borne out by the evidence .
11 The first meeting of the Association will probably take place in Barcelona , Spain , in June 1993 at the meeting of the organisation of Ibero-american researchers .
12 The auction will also feature work by de Chirico , Utrillo and Lynn Chadwick .
13 Nuclear Electric will now undertake modification work which will involve running the reactors at a higher temperature , to prevent the problem arising .
14 The Revenue will however seek assurance that the price management pays to subscribe their shares reflects their true value , taking account of whatever " ratchet " mechanism is adopted .
15 If the owner is abroad , the agent will also collect tax at the standard rate of 25 per cent , which will be deducted from your monthly rent cheque .
16 The new units will also take account of an earlier SCOTVEC project to look at the competences required in the building industry .
17 Most commonly , the units will only use family labour , but if wage-labour is employed , there is likely to be a large differential between wage rates in the periphery and those paid in the centre .
18 Mr Gregory will also perform harpsichord music of the baroque period .
19 RADAR also publish a book that deals specifically with holidays for the disabled , and your local social services department will also have information and possibly funding assistance .
20 The department will now take charge of the legal battle to recover the Barlow Clowes funds and that money will offset the payouts .
21 So to attempt to prove the existence of telepathy by the analysis of data acquired by sensory perception will always leave room for doubt .
22 The in-bureau tutors will rarely have training as their sole task .
23 Although the Nissan investment will undoubtedly create employment there is argument about the net employment effect — this involves a consideration of the jobs lost indirectly as a consequence of the establishment of the factory .
24 An interview will normally form part of the selection process .
25 Any fiscal measures dampening demand for new cars will only increase unemployment in the motor trade .
26 It has been predicted by motor industry scientists that by the year 2000 only half of cars will still use petrol , with methanol the next largest power source followed by diesel , liquefied petroleum gas and alcohol produced by biomass .
27 The product is not shipping yet , but it seems highly likely that when it is ready to go , DG will also announce support for the NeXTStep 486 object-oriented operating environment on its Dasher personal computers .
28 A rabbit in fear of an enemy will sometimes crouch stockstill , either fascinated or else trusting to its natural inconspicuousness to remain unnoticed .
29 But though obedience may be justly required , servility is not to be exacted ; and though it may be lawful to exert authority , it must be remembered , that to govern and to tyrannize are very different , and that oppression will naturally provoke rebellion
30 A performance review will generally take place three to six months after the start date .
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