Example sentences of "[noun] of [noun] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 Whilst a number of considerations may limit the resort to force majeure , there is a sufficiency of means once the will to use them is present .
2 There is no need for the history department to teach the skill before using census materials if the mathematics department has already done so but even more importantly if the historians need to know how to do this at an earlier stage than the mathematics department would teach this skill in their programme of study then the historians must negotiate this with their colleagues in the best interests of the children .
3 These medical investigations hardly ever revealed any physical or mental abnormality and if the bed-wetter continued thereafter to deplete the quartermaster 's stock of blankets then the British Army had no answer to this situation other than to discharge him honourably from the service without a stain on his character , whatever there might be on his bedclothes .
4 His Lordship added that where the presumptions created a result which was contrary to the intention of Parliament then the presumptions had to give way .
5 In another piece of coincidence even the helium traces were explained ; they had nothing to do with hydrogen fusion.l
6 It was a gargantuan task : each year a piece of woodland approximately the size of a tennis court was brought into the garden .
7 Robert Savage referred to it as a box-iron piece , a piece of land roughly the shape of an old fashioned box-iron used for smoothing linen ; and he related that the old ploughmen used to refer to the ploughing of this type of field as goring work .
8 Then you can put the test on a piece of paper just the questions and I 'm going to give the piece of paper to somebody else to answer .
9 respectively , within this volume M is defined as the inverse of L. Then the tensors are defined as the weighted averages of the tensors of each phase r : thus where is the volume concentration of phase r ( that is ) and , by analogy with the isotropic case discussed earlier on p. 115 , are concentration factor tensors such that and where I is the unit tensor .
10 Within the austere collegial melody of science even the slightest emotional shading can have a suitably dramatic effect .
11 In fact the pollution control officer has as indices of activity neither the policeman 's arrest rate nor the evidence which some other compliance system enforcement agents can exploit , such as the dollar amounts recovered by consumer protection officers ( Silbey , 1978 ) .
12 The Windscale cloud however , passed over most of the cities of England so the collective dose would be higher .
13 At a higher level of intensity again the treaty may amount to the attempted bestowal of a right or the imposition of an obligation upon a third party .
14 But I think er the old standards are so good and so strong you know we still get the odd good one coming out but the old ones were so good and so strong that even re-recorded with er even with the more modern I suppose er bit of arrangement still the great sounds from the .
15 Klopf accuses artificial intelligence researchers of building only the top ( logical , verbal ) storey of a 1000-storey building .
16 If they can not be protected by the law from this kind of material then the law should be tightened up .
17 They 've got very low conducting 's the opposite of resistance so the good conductors
18 he said in spite of the fact that I 've been in parliament for longer than he has , which surprised me cos I would n't have thought so this is the young Winston Churchill of course so the Chinese man said to him erm oh well the reason for that was that he had a famous grandfather
19 The position of the casualty was still uncertain , but she had reported that she was somewhere to the west of Burtonport so the lifeboat set course to the NW at full speed , adjusting as necessary for the large swell , and calling the casualty on the VHF radio .
20 If the Earth were to be moved today into the orbit of Venus then the ice caps would melt , the oceans would start to evaporate , the carbonate rocks would begin to yield up CO 2 , and various other surface reservoirs would begin to lose volatiles .
21 While he was Archbishop of York both the ancient universities made him an honorary doctor .
22 As the use of equity based financing mechanisms reduces the degree of inequality of allocation nationally the potential benefits to be derived from developing increasingly elaborate models for allocation are likely to be small .
23 There are more living arthropod species than all other phyla combined ; if diversity is a measure of success then the arthropods are the easy winners .
24 In some countries of Europe clearly the democratic institutions are stronger and more deeply rooted than in others ; but even where they are weak , the process of political development is conceived of as being one of moving towards a stronger form of democracy and dictatorship is seen as a deviation from the norm .
25 Thus , we find that if certain facts must exist before the exercise of judgment then the court will examine whether those facts exist , whether a decision was made upon a proper self direction as to those facts , and whether irrelevant facts were taken into account .
26 In this case the same precautions apply and it is even more important to deal with ownership of copyright otherwise the agency ( as employer ) could turn out to be the ultimate owner of the copyright .
27 The Factory Inspectorate , part of the Health and Safety Executive and local authorities , responsible for the enforcement of the present health and safety at work laws , would be mainly concerned with the latter , being a source of danger to the health of employees ; the control of odour nuisance , whilst not ignored being accorded a lower priority , as the legal requirements concerning occupational hygiene are mainly orientated towards the degree of risk i.e. the harmful effects on the body , arising out of exposure to toxic materials in the form of fumes , gases and dust .
28 The fact that everyone was waving tiny American flags made this spectacle of labour all the more bizarre .
29 In the consolidated p&l account , the gain is nil — the difference between the proceeds of £2.1m less the fair value of the assets of £1.8m plus the goodwill of £0.3m , previously written off to the merger reserve .
30 When work is complete on a range of entries only the text of the latest version of a new or changed entry is transferred to the main archive .
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