Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] in [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 One Soviet writer argued in this vein that the EEC proposal was not directed at the neutralisation of Afghanistan at all but at hiding the ‘ undeclared war against the Afghan people ’ .
2 No great change occurred in this situation until the outbreak of the crisis and the introduction of the adjustment policies .
3 The exclusion of women from the paid labour force became in many areas an important part of the development of both working-class ‘ respectability ’ and of notions of working-class manhood .
4 Chlorine was used at the same time , and one may suppose that confusion arose in many minds about their separate effects .
5 Elisa rose in some confusion , wishing to remonstrate with her host about the abundance of his generosity .
6 Minsky and Papert studied in some detail how elaborate a perceptron must be in order to recognise a particular class .
7 The 10.0 and 4.8 kb M.spretus -specific fragments cosegregated in this analysis and defined the Oct-11a locus .
8 Erm we asked the question about the aircraft 's reduced operational capabilities as far as Britain is concerned , we were told that there was no reduction , erm there was no percentage figure that could be produced but w now what about the other countries , I mean , which countries are asking for what to be omitted and by how much is the percentage , in percentage terms er is the performance of the aircraft reduced in those cases and further on from that , picking up something that that Wing Com er Group Captain Granville White has just mentioned which i is the question of sales .
9 Was the fire brigade hindered in any way ?
10 That is why it disgusts me to see the nobility of grief caricatured in this way .
11 The collapse of the Husayn-Arafat accord led to a new phase of cooperation between Israel , the United States and Jordan aimed at objectives similar to those of the early seventies : the erosion of support for the PLO in the territories , the reinforcement of the normality of occupation by a programme to improve ‘ the quality of life ’ , a term coined in this context by US Secretary of State George Schultz .
12 Williamson 's got five million years of more or less continuous deposit , which he can date pretty accurately erm and he 's got twenty one species of mollusc fossilised in that material .
13 What Karl Rahner achieved in those years can hardly be summarized ( but see his Foundations of Christian Faith , 1978 , ch .
14 It was easily accessible from the Awash railway station and was one of the few areas in Abyssinia where wild animals survived in any number .
15 Where there is nothing to show that the parties have used language in any other than its strict and ordinary sense , and where the words interpreted in that sense are sensible with reference to extrinsic circumstances , it is an inflexible rule of construction that the words shall be interpreted in that strict and primary sense even though they may be capable of some popular or secondary interpretation and even though the most conclusive evidence of the intention to use them in such popular sense is tendered ( Enlayde Ltd v Roberts [ 1917 ] 1 Ch 109 : obligation to reinstate property destroyed by fire included an obligation to reinstate where the destruction was caused by incendiary bombs ) .
16 In the health area , the old fashioned general practitioner functioned in this way ( in contrast to the support structure of a centralised health system ) .
17 Despite assurances from US Defence Secretary Dick Cheney that only the Okinawa and German weapons would be destroyed at Johnston , the fear persisted in many Pacific countries that the USA would abandon plans to build incinerators on the American mainland and would use the Johnston facility much more widely than had been hitherto suggested .
18 The cocaine flew in all directions .
19 This oversight resulted in this cartoon appearing on mill noticeboards .
20 For the time being let me conclude by admitting that the considerations adumbrated in this section do not prove the dependence thesis .
21 Lorence R Fizia of Bathgate sent in this shot of a cruiser at Fort Lauderdale in December 1991 — this has to be form a Boeing 307 Stratoliner !
22 It was far worse for the Arabs whose homes lay in that part of Palestine in which the United Nations had decided to locate the new state of Israel .
23 Dot did n't like it when Mrs Parvis spoke in this way , as though they were dusty victims from under the rubble .
24 Finally , the difference in the nature of slavery and wage labour which Marx and Engels discussed in many places has formed the basis of all recent discussion on the subject .
25 Interestingly , authors appeared in this group with a frequency more than twice that found in the population at large .
26 All 49 subjects participated in this study after giving written informed consent .
27 In referring to the Kingdom the Old Testament spoke in such terms as ‘ Behold , the days are coming ’ .
28 Altogether teachers from 36 schools participated in these groups ; a member of the project team was assigned to each group and meetings were initially held once or twice a term .
29 Burton , too , contributed : a wayward genius , too much of a drinker for his own good , Richard did in this instance behave like the very bright and perceptive gentleman he could be .
30 Those of us dropping into Dunedin with a touring international or provincial team could usually rely , if things had not gone well for Otago , on Mains later proclaiming that his side had in some way been unfairly treated either by fate or the referee .
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