Example sentences of "[noun] [vb past] [conj] [verb] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 That ingrained courage , the belief that he must continue to fight on — the ability to fool himself into thinking that he could fight on — was all that was left to Tubby , and Colonel Windsor realised that to take it away from him could precipitate the final breakdown .
2 Plato argued that to know yourself was the very essence of knowledge .
3 Teresa Leinin met and married her husband in just three months .
4 It makes the British attitude to planemaking — make it commercial or defence oriented and make it pay PDQ — look plain shortsighted and stupid .
5 The captain of the submarine surfaced and took his craft alongside one of the schooners .
6 Suddenly Cora-Beth stopped and put her arms round Harry 's neck .
7 No general agreement was reached and no detailed , generally accepted theory emerged before Newton proposed and defended his particle theory .
8 However , Lord Justice Watkins disagreed and said he saw no difficulty in imposing upon the assessment officer the duty to discover what intention lay behind the reduction of capital .
9 The Gamecock ; a single seat fighter plane , best remembered as the aircraft in which the famous pilot , Douglas Bader crashed and lost his legs .
10 She felt his hands , warm and caressing , moving from the back of her , and was in a land of breath-held enchantment when his moving , caressing fingers stroked and captured her full , throbbing breasts .
11 Later , when other countries wanted to make their own cloth from jute , the workers of Dundee made and sold them the textile machinery .
12 Early in 1913 Canudo , another friend of Apollinaire 's , founded a review called Montjoie which was recognized to be an Orphist mouthpiece , while Apollinaire expanded and developed his ideas on the new style in L'Intransigeant and particularly in Les Soirees de Paris .
13 The lych-gate creaked and left its prickly signature of rust upon the palm ( I 'll get it fixed , Ma 'm ! ) ; the bell rang not at all unless obliquely pressed by a nor'-nor'-westerly thumb .
14 ‘ Chinchero ? ’ a campesino asked and waved us on .
15 The Unwins beamed and patted everyone within reach including the horse , and Mr Unwin in his great antipodean accent could be heard calling his jockey ‘ son ’ , even though the rider looked older by far than the owner .
16 On closer inspection the bundle of rags rose and revealed itself to be a woman , filthy dirty , her skin so grimy she was almost invisible in the gloom .
17 He waited , out of long experience with dominant characters , until a natural break occurred and used it to ask for some background , starting with how long the Minister had known Miss Morgan .
18 Fierce Eyes came and pushed her aside .
19 I put my head round the corner : ‘ What if a horse came and broke his leg on the ice ? ’
20 At this point Suor Eusebia intervened and told them that she knew how to open it .
21 Cadfael stooped and took it in both hands , and lifted it , and it parted from its setting without trailing a blade of grass or a torn edge of moss .
22 Cadfael stooped and picked it up , and the thicker end , broken and dangling , shed a fluttering debris of tindery flakes as he swung it in his hand .
23 But he could be ready for anything ; for the churches which had abandoned him ; for the churches like the Philippian one which had continued to care ; for hunger ; for plenty ; for the times when he had no obvious human support , and for the times when his fellow believers came and gave him encouragement .
24 Diggs came and told us the day he broke out . ’
25 Well it was a large double-fronted house and it was sand-bagged all round and there were tables and to er , administer , you know , wardens in the unevent of air raids which they used to do and they used to patrol the streets looking for lights to see if pe my nan actually got fined once cos she , she event inadvertently went into a room and put the light on and forgot she 'd left the curtains open and an air raid warden happened to be around she , she got hauled into court and fined five pounds for that , er she er I , I once I was just thinking the other day just telling a friend of mine , they had an actual practice air raid once and in some old buildings in the Burchells and we as kids had to go and lie in there and wait till we 'd got a tag on and what would happen to us a label and they took us to the first aid post in , an ambulance came and picked us up on a stretcher and took us to the first aid post in Road .
26 Frankie tensed and lowered his head .
27 Finally a soldier arrived and took me back to the Star Room .
28 Donna frowned and put her foot down , coaxing more speed from the Volvo , her eyes flicking back and forth from windscreen to rear-view mirror .
29 Emilia sighed and released her grip .
30 Despite the fact that connoisseurs applauded and collected his sumptuously produced , privately printed editions in terms of the designer 's art , his work became unfashionable after 1918 , and appreciation was marred by the poet 's increasingly vilified personal reputation .
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