Example sentences of "[noun] [coord] [be] [verb] [that] " in BNC.

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1 Happily my inspector friend was at hand , He opened the Chief Constable 's hospitality cupboard , I had a dram and was told that they had been tipped off that afternoon about some Scot that would run some sheep through the Lion .
2 He called the aircraft and was advised that both engines had flamed out and that a forced landing would be necessary .
3 But when they were late in arriving , Mr Stokes rang the agent and was told that they had been impounded at Dover for five weeks while checks were made for drugs .
4 The two leaders went to military headquarters for confirmation and were told that the staff were otherwise engaged .
5 This week I contacted Gateshead college and was told that the pressure on the access fund was such that the college could have spent its yearly entitlement by the end of the first week of the academic year .
6 She had been amassing clothing coupons for the last six months and was determined that Constance would have a magnificent dress from one of the London stores .
7 Somebody phoned an ambulance and was told that it would take between an hour and an hour and a half to arrive , so Derek volunteered to drive me to Casualty at Freedom Fields Hospital in Plymouth , forty-five miles away .
8 Anaeas is in love with Dido but is told that he must leave in order to save trial .
9 In this city where everything is possible , and he cuts such a figure in his light suit and striped silk tie , and is 32 and full of self-confidence , and can walk up to a girl he has never seen before and with a disarming smile ask her when lighting-up time is — how can he be wearing a maroon crew-necked sweater , and cavalry twill trousers with turnups , and be 22 , and find himself running after a girl and being told that she may or may not see him tomorrow ?
10 However , I tabled a written question some time ago about increasing the number of occupational therapists in Northern Ireland and was assured that that would happen .
11 30 Received £360 from the liquidator of Bills Bikes and was advised that no more would be forthcoming .
12 They had approached a GLC body , the Greater London Enterprise Board ( GLEB ) , for money and been told that if it was to put money in , an established business person had to be involved .
13 I mentioned the incident at Land 's End and was told that it was not unusual for student pilots who dare to stray into the military areas to receive a safe wingtip and tail helicopter escort home , leaving the student a gibbering wreck long after returning to the club house .
14 She asked about its contents and was told that the terms merely protected the cleaners from liability for damage to sequins and beads .
15 This was a precious baby : four months earlier Fiona , then 31 , had miscarried at 13 weeks and was determined that this time things would go well .
16 Twenty-five years after the war ended a man had gone in to the shop and been told that his treasure was studded with spinels instead of rubies .
17 Islington could have saved its council and charge payers a great deal of money if it had just asked the advice of a local geography teacher and been told that it is better to go to France to learn French .
18 The police then sought the advice of the Director of Public Prosecutions and were told that such evidence would not be admissible in Irish courts , and that the Attorney General would be seeking an injunction to prevent termination .
19 Eventually he reached Kirwan and was assured that no South Africans would be involved and that the match has some sanctity as the proceeds were to go to child cancer research — not that that dissuaded some cynics from suggesting that some players may have taken their share .
20 We later asked one of the linguists who had worked with her whether these sounds bore any resemblance to the click languages of the African Bushman-Hottentot group and were informed that there are superficial resemblances but that Ruby 's unique phonetics derive from distinct differences , presently the subject of a monograph , in the anatomy of her larynx , palate and nasal cavities from those of Homo sapiens .
21 The company fully recognised the potential for growth within the European Community and was persuaded that Scotland was the ideal location from which to serve that market . ’
22 The Sunday Times reporter Peter Gillman recounts how the Panel went to the Trading Standards Office at Bodmin but was told that there was nothing to be done because water was not covered by the Food Act .
23 ‘ There is one Mr. Milne , officer at Oldcambus , a very old man quite worn out & unfitt for that station & is expected that he ca n't live much longer ’ , an eager applicant for a place advised Hugh Scott , the member of parliament of Berwickshire .
24 A peasant who is especially devoted to St Martin meets the saint one day and is told that his devotion is rewarded by four wishes .
25 We were at great pains to explain that we were novices and aware that diving in Barbados was unlike diving in the UK and were told that ‘ courses taken on holiday mean nothing at all ’ and that we should be prepared to snorkel around a pool for six months should he deem it necessary , and that even if we did dive to any standard we would be taken on a dive ( presumably in a pool ) , and ‘ ripped down ’ until we eventually failed a test .
26 They had enquired if he was at the pottery and been told that he was not .
27 Ronni took a taxi to the college where Arnie was doing his summer school — she 'd phoned his flat from the station and been told that was where he 'd be .
28 At half-past nine she rang the police station and was told that DCI Harris had just gone out and was not expected back until after lunch .
29 We were in touch with the Department of Health last week and were assured that that announcement was im imminent , that the Minister had not yet agreed what those conditions would be .
30 I have consulted a very high legal authority and am advised that an action for libel would lie .
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