Example sentences of "[noun] [prep] [noun] then [art] " in BNC.

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1 There is no need for the history department to teach the skill before using census materials if the mathematics department has already done so but even more importantly if the historians need to know how to do this at an earlier stage than the mathematics department would teach this skill in their programme of study then the historians must negotiate this with their colleagues in the best interests of the children .
2 These medical investigations hardly ever revealed any physical or mental abnormality and if the bed-wetter continued thereafter to deplete the quartermaster 's stock of blankets then the British Army had no answer to this situation other than to discharge him honourably from the service without a stain on his character , whatever there might be on his bedclothes .
3 His Lordship added that where the presumptions created a result which was contrary to the intention of Parliament then the presumptions had to give way .
4 respectively , within this volume M is defined as the inverse of L. Then the tensors are defined as the weighted averages of the tensors of each phase r : thus where is the volume concentration of phase r ( that is ) and , by analogy with the isotropic case discussed earlier on p. 115 , are concentration factor tensors such that and where I is the unit tensor .
5 If there is any predisposition to psychosis then the changes induced can be permanent .
6 If you 're interested in either the design or purchase of jewellery then a unique opportunity has come to Glasgow this week .
7 If they can not be protected by the law from this kind of material then the law should be tightened up .
8 If the Earth were to be moved today into the orbit of Venus then the ice caps would melt , the oceans would start to evaporate , the carbonate rocks would begin to yield up CO 2 , and various other surface reservoirs would begin to lose volatiles .
9 There are more living arthropod species than all other phyla combined ; if diversity is a measure of success then the arthropods are the easy winners .
10 If you roll two doubles for distance then the horses collapse with exhaustion and the model is removed from the battle .
11 Thus , we find that if certain facts must exist before the exercise of judgment then the court will examine whether those facts exist , whether a decision was made upon a proper self direction as to those facts , and whether irrelevant facts were taken into account .
12 If space A can extend beyond the excursions of B then the contact state becomes : Up to nine zone states , one being two zeros and one non-zero none being three zeros with one excursion stale .
13 If a reasonable man would believe that there was a real likelihood of bias then the decision is overturned ; surmise or conjecture is insufficient .
14 Soften hard skin on your feet with pumicestone then a rich foot cream and wrapping them up in aluminium foil .
15 First , if Mars acquired volatiles during accretion then the interior could be less thoroughly outgassed than that of the Earth , and this is in accord with the evidence for the lower level of geological activity on Mars .
16 Conversely , if the Director had no powers of compulsion after charge then the issuing of yet another caution would make no difference .
17 A few spurts of milk then the thing was at the teat end again , a pinkish-white object peeping through the orifice .
18 But if the Devil has no reality or active role in the divine drama of salvation then the vision of the Great Battle is lost .
19 But if we asked about the history of the appearance of characters then the answer is ‘ yes ’ .
20 If you are part of a group with instructors then the instructors should take on the roles of the Jones and tell you the sort of things they think Olwyn will work for .
21 The male penguin might just have calculated that if you 're stuck in the Antarctic for years on end then the cleverest thing to do is stay at home minding the egg while you send the female off to catch fish in the freezing waters .
22 For example , on the Earth water in hydroxyl form occurs in clays , and if similar clays were exposed on the surface of Venus then the abundance of water in the atmosphere would be roughly that observed .
23 ( b ) That if the effect of the proviso were to impose a restraint of trade then the consequence was that not only the proviso but also the whole of the paragraph to which the proviso related and which contained the stipulation that post-termination commission would be paid was void .
24 If you suspect that the child is showing a delay in development then a more formal assessment may be required ; this should be discussed fully with the parents and their permission sought .
25 If the established set-up survives the pressures for change then the established constitutional theory will be of use as a rough guide to political and governmental practice , but if that set-up " breaks " then the established theories will be left beached .
26 Put simply , once we move away from the commencement theory of jurisdiction then the rationale for saying that absence of evidence does not constitute a jurisdictional defect simply disappears .
27 If the age of 65 + was adopted as the definition of geriatrics then the NHS should be renamed the National Geriatric Medicine Service .
28 If the developer has notified the planning authority in advance then the twenty eight day period is extended to four months .
29 If accumulation in the boom had been based on an unchanged mass of machinery per worker then an extension of the capital stock would have required an equivalent increase in workers employed .
30 When he began to project his voice during recitals then the hoarseness always returned .
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