Example sentences of "[noun] [verb] [verb] be [det] " in BNC.

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1 What Holmes and Rahe failed to recognise is that major life events are not what stress most of us most of the time .
2 What supporters seem to overlook is that football is a game of two sides — one side has to lose otherwise it is a draw .
3 A friend to artists in England after the war in which Apollinaire had fought was another combatant , the poet and critic Herbert Read .
4 What the sociobiologists have identified are some underlying relationships and latent forms of human behaviour .
5 Another subject directly connected with the way more recent theology has moved is that of philosophy — or , rather , of the various kinds of philosophy which have influenced theologians .
6 The content of the work seems to have been another source of enjoyment .
7 This seems to be inconsistent with the proposition that a higher standard applies where the director possesses relevant skills , but is presumably explicable on the basis that the higher standard relates only to distinct forms of professional expertise , such as that of the actuary or the physician referred to by Romer J , and not where the experience or expertise that the director has acquired is that of a business manager .
8 Now , we hear time and time again of the one million capital that was spent and yes and I do hope that the provisions that will now be made through a combined budget which Mr seems to think is half a million but I can assure you it is not half a million however , I do I can further reassure him that by the time the Highfields er and Moat management committee have gone through with this it will be half a million , there will be a proper budget provision as it should have been in the last five to six years .
9 Around the work of pasturing , clearing and ploughing , much of farming seems to have been little different from that of Romano-British society , although the contrast in lordly life styles is at least obvious to the historian .
10 Its basis appears to have been that , although himself a master of one building trade only , like other leading master builders of the period he was prepared to build a whole house ‘ by the great ’ , performing the masonry himself and subcontracting the work of the other trades ; and he evidently built up a team of craftsman associates — joiners , carpenters , painters , plasterers — whom he called upon regularly in these circumstances .
11 But the point that Anna failed to grasp was that without the money it would never have occurred to him to marry her .
12 That is why I I I mentioned those mar , those remarks right at the beginning , God will never ever send another pentecost , the only people that God told to wait were those early disciples to wait in Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came and they had to wait for ten days from the ascension of Jesus until the Holy Spirit came .
13 The husbandman 's argument appears to have been this : he could easily determine by the above methods whether the seed-bed was ready for the corn and whether the soil was of the right tilth : but be could not be sure that the soil was warm enough to allow the seed to germinate .
14 The first attempt to assess cerebral dominance for language in a group of non-right handed patients appears to have been that of Pratt , Warrington and Halliday ( 1971 ) who tested 12 right handers and 12 so-called left handers .
15 Sleepily goes into spiel about what kind of care would she like , has she chosen a hospital yet , how does she feel generally , this is her first , is n't it , a lot of nonsense talked nowadays about active births and so on , what people fail to realize is that birth is potentially highly dangerous for the mother and the child and that with a bit of foresight and the right equipment it 's possible to etc. , etc. , etc .
16 So in fact I 've always concentrated and what people have wanted is some specific direction namely wills dying and what happens if you have n't done something about it .
17 Where that information relates to national security , all that the Government has to show is that publication might cause some injury to the national interest — a test which would ensure that the British equivalent of the Pentagon Papers would never see the light of day .
18 Once you have made the appointment and the candidate has accepted is this the end of the recruitment and selection process ?
19 By the end of the project , perhaps the most important message to have emerged was that language development is an incremental , integrated process .
20 The immediate reason seems to have been that Indian painters working for some of the Spanish and criollo masters complained of mistreatment .
21 It was not a lesson , according to Mayhew , that the poor in fact needed to learn , for he finds the same scrupulous cleanliness in the poorest of London tenements , where every object in sight from chairs to children seems to have been that moment newly scrubbed .
22 But one point on which all policemen and women seem to agree is that competence is experiential rather than textbook in origin .
23 The Danuese allowed to participate were few in number and rigorously selected , mostly the same ‘ chiefs ’ who had voted for assimilation into the malai republic in the show referendum of a few weeks back .
24 The earliest deposits of Eurodollars seem to have been those in the Moscow Narodny Bank in London and that of another USSR owned bank in Paris .
25 He only maintained that the present forms of Church government which the laws of the land had established were such as ‘ No law of God nor reason had proved them to do ill . ’
26 what these reports have shown is that speed is of the essence and such projects should be chosen and approved far more quickly , in time for the researchers to be able to compete with rival projects .
27 The languages which the young aspirant to diplomacy needed to acquire were those of western Europe , of which French was now by far the most important .
28 The only appeals against sentence that the Court of Appeal gets to hear are those imposed by the Crown Court which almost certainly operates a harsher tariff than does the magistrates ' court .
29 The main argument of postmodernists who have sympathies with the political left seems to have been that postmodernism can be supportive of a left politics rooted in principles of pluralism and ‘ difference ’ .
30 One film part that Crawford did accept was that of the White Rabbit in Alice 's Adventures In Wonderland , which he made by day at Pinewood Studios during the stage run of No Sex , Please .
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