Example sentences of "[adv] [to-vb] [conj] it [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 I just decided to put it in to see if it tastes better .
2 I just decided to put it in to see if it tastes better .
3 This is not to reject the approach out of hand ; but merely to acknowledge that it has weaknesses .
4 Many women have seen a new and demanding career at midlife as their way to satisfaction , only to find that it becomes a prime cause of problems for their husband .
5 We know this because sometimes we may use a word which we ourselves consider innocuous , only to find that it produces a strong emotional response in someone else .
6 It is acknowledged , however , that in its efforts to support the capitalist system , politically and economically , the capitalist state creates and expands public and social services only to find that it does not have the required resources to meet the growing cost of the public sector .
7 The church is to be distinctive from the rest of the world ; people around us are familiar with a way of life where rank and wealth matter , and people want to achieve what they think matters — only to find that it does n't satisfy them ; God 's people are to have a way of life which is based on equality in God 's sight , and not be measured in terms of social standing .
8 If you are playing Dwarf Wars , for example , the adventurers might reach Hargrim 's tomb only to find that it has been defiled and looted .
9 A range of frequencies wide enough to ensure that it encompasses the resonant frequency of the sample v r is then examined .
10 Clearly something does happen in higher education ; it is not enough to argue that it trains an elite and to leave it at that .
11 Drop a spot of highly volatile liquid on such a wing and the colours disappear as the liquid occludes the physical structure , only to reappear as it evaporates and the light is splintered once more .
12 To see that this is the case , annotate each term below to say whether it belongs to the typical register of the birthday card or the register of the legal contract ( even if you have never seen a legal contract you can probably do this ) .
13 This is not to say that such comment is wholly wrong ; merely to say that it lacks precision , finesse .
14 This simple rule , embodied in the Rights of Way Act , which on its wording at least applies to ways by water as well as land , states that to recognize a way as public one needs only to show that it has been freely and openly used by the public for 20 years .
15 It 's almost worth advertising alcohol just to preserve the lobbying the brewers indulge in to prove that it does n't encourage young people to drink , just for the sight of their endless statistics that prove that all this money they spend on advertising is n't making anybody buy their product : run this by me again , why are you doing it ?
16 But not to see that it exists shows a surprising ( and therefore interesting ) blindness .
17 Just to see if it works .
18 That is not to say that it involves no notion of a lawlike statement , or , to speak of reality rather than our language for it , no notion of lawlike connection .
19 ‘ The lack of statistical significance calls for the exercise of caution in evaluating the study , but that is not to say that it disqualifies the study from consideration , ’ said Morling .
20 This is not to say that it does not contain many magnificent passages , some comic , some sublime .
21 This is not to say that it does not cause symptoms ; we think that it does in some people .
22 I put it down obediently although a childish urge in me wants to play with it as long as I like , just to prove that it does n't necessarily end up with me stupidly spearing myself .
23 With the exception of Paul Nilon 's delightfully zany Count Belfiore , the principal roles were in some danger of being upstaged by the slightly lesser ones ( Nilon is not to blame if it remains incredible that any woman , let alone two , should fall in love with such a bizarre creature ) .
24 Today , as one of Gorbachev 's advisers , she goes further to say that it has led to the formation of social groups with diverging interests and destroyed the rational relationship , however slight , that existed between work and money .
25 It costs local authorities more to collect than it raises in revenue .
26 If an outline idea has been discussed over the lunch table ring up to carry it further , and if you have floated an idea by post and have heard nothing phone up to see if it has fallen on stony ground .
27 I think we might need to look at that one very carefully to see whether it adds anything to the er criteria .
28 A preview will tell you what the software can do at the moment — we do n't go too heavily on any minor bugs or inconsistencies at the preview stage , but we do criticise bad design and form an opinion about whether the software will be up to scratch when it gets released .
29 Their main argument is that the World Cup should move around on a rotational basis , but having staged the first three tournaments , other countries have some catching up to do before it returns to these shores .
30 AMERICA expects to wake up two days from now to find that it has a new President .
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