Example sentences of "[adv] [vb pp] [be] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Similar provisions are made for CTT with this difference , that in calculating the value of the ‘ slice ‘ the property is to be deemed to produce income a such a rate as may from time to time be prescribed by the Treasury with the proviso that the value of the ’ slice ’ as so ascertained is never to exceed the value of the whole property .
2 The argument that a small number of innocent people may be wrongly executed is far outweighed by the fact that thousands of innocent people are dying , being permanently maimed , or mentally scarred for life , as a result of acts of violence .
3 There is no objection to this but the tenant should ensure that the person so appointed is suitably qualified to enable him to carry out his functions in a proper and responsible manner .
4 The AEs who had so offended were instantly sacked .
5 If Eisenman is correct — and the evidence weighs heavily in his favour — then the confusion which has hitherto obtained is effectively dispelled .
6 They remained in control over the means of mass communications but those whose work or views they had long ignored were now clamouring for access .
7 The photographic relative bidirectional reflectance so recorded was then compared with the radiometric bidirectional reflectance for each surface .
8 The relationship so created is then checked against that declared for the intersection of the functional domain ( see Figure 2.33 ) .
9 The rest of the report , which was the role of section conferences and industrial conferences , which have been the subject of fairly detailed consultations throughout regions over the previous two years and appeared to be widely accepted was hardly debated at all .
10 Does my right hon. Friend agree that the answer that he has just given is further reinforced by the fact that several third-world countries , including some middle eastern countries such as Iraq , Algeria and perhaps Libya , are currently acquiring nuclear weapons ?
11 " Biased language " is language which favours one group of the population at the expense of another ; the group not favoured is then said to be marginalised or derogated .
12 The processes by which light energy is thus harnessed are collectively called photosynthesis .
13 The number of candidate words being discarded as too short or too long is quite small , and in fact the number of correct candidates being incorrectly discarded is slightly discouraging .
14 Those animals not ransomed were usually sold cheaply to cultivators or butchers who knew full well the origins of the animal .
15 What he has not done is remotely stood by the Prime Minister . ’
16 What he has not done is remotely stand by the Prime Minister . ’
17 What he has not done is remotely stand by the Prime Minister . ’
18 By environment is meant all the factors that occur around us and potentially influence our internal metabolism , which we have already seen is initially determined by genetic make-up .
19 The paired hepatic and gall bladder bile samples thus collected were immediately transferred to the laboratory in sterile brown test tubes kept at 37°C .
20 Such an aggregate will only equal the value of total output if those goods which are produced but not sold are also included — this item , which is called ‘ net changes in stocks and work in progress ’ , is normally counted as part of firms ' investment spending ( which is logical since such goods are for future rather than current consumption ) .
21 Fish thus affected are invariably blinded .
22 The agreement finally reached was over-hastily drafted , and contained many inconsistencies and much imprecision .
23 Also place in the aquarium were two small terracotta flower pots and a couple of shallow terracotta dishes for feeding purposes ( food place in the dishes if not eaten is easily removed and does n't get into the substrate and rot in there ) .
24 The simple form of C-R filter just discussed is widely used in conjunction with an operational amplifier , in circumstances where , to achieve electronic integration of a signal as mentioned in section 4.4 .
25 The main disadvantage of the network approach is that areas which are not covered are thereby excluded completely .
26 I now want to draw together the four aspects of intelligent machines set out above and three prima facie features of consciousness : these three seem to me necessary criteria for any explication of consciousness , and I will suggest that the aspects of such machines already described are interestingly related to these facts .
27 The range of humane and other qualities most admired is best illustrated by the contents of the few obituaries carried in its pages .
28 Prostaglandin H 2 is an unstable compound which has a half-life of approximately five minutes , and once formed is rapidly transformed either enzymically or non-enzymically to the classical prostaglandins , prostaglandin D 2 , E 2 and F&sub2α ; .
29 Rumours that he had been deliberately poisoned were generally discredited , but the exact cause of his death was never established .
30 In essence , he argues , certain forms of conduct which were once forbidden are now allowed , and are regulated much less formally than they once were .
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