Example sentences of "[adv] [adj] it be for " in BNC.

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1 If parents and nurses would only realise how much easier it is for the child to bend to the social and moral laws in later life , when trained from infancy , how much sorrow might be saved .
2 No clear principles determine the allocation of disputes to these bodies although the greater the element of discretion and the more important the policy considerations , the less likely it is for the courts to take on the new area of responsibility .
3 Thus , the more suitable the application is for bit-pattern index handling ( small numbers of possible attributes ) , the less suitable it is for inverted file handling .
4 owing to the difficulty of forecasting [ … ] the less possible , and indeed , the less desirable it is for the person purchasing to specify what the other contracting party is expected to do [ …
5 Generally speaking , the longer the period of planning for an escape the more satisfactory it was for the prospective escaper .
6 Broadly speaking , the higher a person is in the management structure , the more essential it is for him or her to be given work when it is available .
7 ‘ The more radical the slogans , the more difficult it is for us the day after in the corridors of power in Moscow . ’
8 The more distant in time an issue is to current industry concerns , the more difficult it is for managers to establish that it applies to their business in some significant way ( relevancy ) and that it should be addressed now ( urgency ) .
9 The larger the number of firms already supplying a market and the more difficult it is for them to collude , the more competition there is likely to be .
10 He could see how hopeless it was for her .
11 She remembered the bride of one year , alight with the happiness of those early celebrations when the Grand Duke had granted the first liberties , and thought how strange it was for an English woman to be so mad with joy .
12 ‘ People still write about how strange it was for me to be with someone like Catherine , ’ he says .
13 ‘ I should have thought anyone with a grain of sensitivity would realise how painful it is for all of us to have this all raked up again .
14 Christian preachers could declare how wrong it was for an individual to be dominated by another so as to be his legal property , and to be bought for much less than the rich would give for a racehorse .
15 Frankly , having spent two days looking at how different it is for Nirvana right now — or rather , how it was six weeks ago — I found it difficult not to .
16 You know as well as I do how dangerous it is for a woman alone on the roads — any pervert could pick you up ! ’
17 In few cases was the curriculum criticized adversely , but in one or two cases a particular course was questioned in terms of how appropriate it was for the pupils , or because an aspect of the curriculum was underdeveloped .
18 ‘ I 'm sure you know , Inspector , how impossible it is for even the most committed clergy to avoid incurring — not to put too fine a point on it — hatred .
19 Reading or hearing of other pilots ' experiences emphasises how easy it is for even seasoned pilots to make mistakes .
20 It is frightening how dependent upon drugs we are all becoming and how easy it is for doctors to prescribe them as the universal panacea for our ills .
21 It is surprising how easy it is for businessmen to assume that other nationalities will react in exactly the same way as they themselves do .
22 Control of the rhythm of the lesson will depend partly on the structure of the program and how easy it is for the teacher to use .
23 It 's astonishing how easy it is for us grown-ups to lose touch with the ability to shake off our responsibilities and inhibitions .
24 On the Monday they showed how easy it was for top-class bowlers to pitch the ball up and get wickets .
25 He knew how easy it was for someone to conceal himself amongst the clutter of hanging garments , unseen and unsuspected , while even grown-ups went about their business in ignorance of his presence .
26 OEEC demonstrated how easy it was for policies of coordination to clash with national wishes and interests .
27 A group of fifth form pupils when asked for their response after using a simulation on the Arab-Israeli situation , remarked that one thing it had demonstrated was how easy it was for the countries to slide into war !
28 The accident was seen by Iain Macdonald , a Strathclyde regional councillor who is chairman of the Nuclear Free Zones Scotland organisation : ‘ We have seen with our own eyes how simple it is for a road accident to take place and there is no reason why the convoy itself could not have been involved .
29 By patiently watching and recording hits we can build up a probability profile which will indicate how likely it is for a bullet to hit any particular point on the detector .
30 The measures which we can use include indications that the animal is failing to cope with its environment ( with the difficulties which it encounters ) and measures of how hard it is for that individual to cope with the difficulties .
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