Example sentences of "[adv] [verb] [conj] [verb] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Employers were supposed to give a list of their homeworkers ' addresses to local authorities , but in 1907 two investigators found that in West Ham only 520 homeworkers on a list of 1,786 could be successfully traced and concluded that the Acts ( and therefore the inspection of homework premises ) were a dead letter .
2 ( 7 ) The property information questionnaire duly completed and signed and dated .
3 The other machines went on circling and dodging as before .
4 The plant was described by the ancient Greeks to improve eyesight ad this belief continued and travelled to Britain where Gerard recommended : " that the herb a little boiled or skalded and kept in pickle as Sampier ( samphire ) and eaten , quickens the sight " , or : " applied with honey and the juice of Fennell , is a remedie against dim eies " .
5 So they used their superior laser beams mostly to sting and scorch and put surplus scumniks and techs to flight .
6 If a laying cuckoo is seen by the hosts it is vigorously mobbed and chased and , more importantly from the cuckoo 's point of view , its egg is more likely to be ejected .
7 He tried to reach across with his left hand and snatch the blade away , but his hands were held apart , and he was pinned down struggling and sobbing until the dagger slid slowly out of his fingers and clattered on the flags .
8 Toilet programme for Spina Bifida children — much singing and clapping and children encouraged to check results frequently .
9 The school or public library can cater for confident children by providing a wide range of books and related materials — pictures , videos , music and spoken-word cassettes , computer software , etc. — so arranged and displayed that the young users are not overwhelmed .
10 Sponsorship should of course be the icing on the cake , there should be enough in , in competition in regattas and themselves but people are interested enough to go and to support and that sponsorship actually allows you to do things that you would n't have been able to do otherwise .
11 We are quick enough to admonish and complain and rebuke , but all too seldom do we actually give praise when either an outstanding achievement has been made , or even more rarely , when an outstanding effort has been made but has not succeeded .
12 Confrontation with the enemy and violence done to him when necessary were not only justified but appeared as ends in their own right .
13 At the hospital with its crowd of out-patients and wards full of in-patients he was so busy , so plagued and hassled and rushed off his feet , and the women so submissive and ignorant or merely sullen , that he forgot about principles .
14 Now Faldo and his European colleagues can only wait and see if the hard work and application pays off at the weekend .
15 It has become clear that the anti-vivisection movement is now far better organised and directed than in the past .
16 Faith is better caught than taught and the example of a parent is a strong influence even while teenagers seem to be rejecting what you taught them .
17 However , Dr Robert Runcie , the then Archbishop of Canterbury , claimed in the House of Lords ( 2 February , 1987 ) that ‘ there is no automatic trickling down process that ensures that increased wealth will benefit the poor . ’
18 within the first-aiders and the , and obviously to try and try and drive it to them on that issue .
19 as if dealing with a stubborn splinter fixed firmly and painfully down behind a fingernail , Zambia patiently nudged and pushed and , eventually , the agonising sliver was expelled .
20 With their subsequent production , It Pays To Advertise ( 1924 ) , they moved to the Aldwych Theatre , where they were joined in 1925 by the playwright Ben Travers [ q.v. ] , who was to describe Lynn in his memoirs as ‘ the greatest farcical actor I was ever lucky enough to know and watch and work with ’ .
21 Aggressive behaviour is to be not only discouraged but monitored and disciplined : the public regarded as consumers , customers and paymasters of policing , not potential villains or troublemakers .
22 Above Dorothea 's head , six new , blue mugs hung on six newly-erected hooks , for Florence Ames thought of all things and was constantly suggesting improvements — not that she insisted upon them or took anything in hand , only looked and suggested and then left the idea to be considered , accepted or rejected .
23 Laura 's normally warm , full lips tightened in pain , and she gave a heavy sigh as she recalled Liz 's pale , wan face , so terribly bruised and cut when she 'd visited her cousin in the hospital this morning .
24 to ensure , so far as is reasonably practicable , that the article is so designed and constructed as to be safe and without risks to health when properly used ;
25 They are required to ensure so far as is reasonably practicable that any plant ( machinery , equipment or appliance ) is so designed and constructed as to be safe and without risk to health .
26 Did you know that your EC-approved pads must be ‘ as light as possible without prejudicing design strength and efficiency ’ ( sub-section 1.3.2 ) , or that your box ‘ must be so designed and manufactured as to facilitate correct positioning on the user and to remain in place for the foreseeable period of use , bearing in mind ambient factors , movements to be made and postures to be adopted .
27 Pipelines must be fitted so as to maintain continuous flow at turbulence producing levels with valves , glands , seals , junctions and outlets so designed and positioned as to avoid causing ‘ traps ’ where food deposits can accumulate or cleaning solutions can stagnate .
28 I will illustrate this by looking , firstly , at the claim that some form of market can legitimate the power of corporate managers , and , secondly , at the argument that the internal structure of the company can be so designed and used as to legitimate corporate managerial power .
29 We were informed that the Prime Minister had set aside an hour for us , and she arrived on the dot , nicely accoutred and coiffeured and saying she was ready to go when we were .
30 The glass-fronted doors of the dining rooms were constantly opening and shutting and letting in draughts of cold morning air with the busy comings and goings of workers and their loud , raucous banter .
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