Example sentences of "[pron] [vb mod] be show to " in BNC.

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1 On the way we stopped in many towns and villages , so that I could be shown to people .
2 Plenary sessions in the Conference had , one after the other , commented on the absence of any relevant courses at University Departments of Education , on the similar failure on the part of other institutions of higher education to develop qualifications which might secure recognition from the Council for National Academic Awards , and on the apparent unwillingness of the Department of Education and Science to recognise overseas qualifications whilst at the same time refusing to take a lead in a field which could be shown to be a priority area .
3 There 's other information which will be shown to you on the on the er training school .
4 It may consist of a tape-slide sequence which can be shown to classes and groups or viewed singly by individuals , and conveying a particular unit of information or stimulus ; it may , on the other hand , be half a term 's work programme for a class , meeting twice weekly for an hour and three quarters each time It may appear as a number of elements in a schedule of work which also includes directed teaching , use of text book , and practical formal exercises , as well as enquiry work , the consultation of sources , and a problem-solving exercise involving the study of a filmstrip in relation to a work-sheet or a passage in a novel .
5 The fact that certain strategies which can be shown to be useful in translation have not been made use of so far suggests that translators are simply not aware of them , rather than that they are familiar with them but consciously or subconsciously choose not to use them .
6 You can see several of the topographic features discussed in the preceding section : a floor lower than the terrain beyond the rim ; the central peaks ; the wall slumps ; a floor flattened by infill ; an ( rather degraded ) ejecta blanket ; small surrounding craters , some of which can be shown to be secondaries .
7 At the same time , it reveals a succession of different grants , none of which can be shown to be associated with the original concession of Sapaudia .
8 You will be shown to your rooms when you are ready . ’
9 Now , ambulance crews have put together a video of some accidents which they 'll be showing to young drivers .
10 Yet they can be shown to be in some sense the implicit guardians of morality .
11 The proposed development is contrary to the stated policy of the local planning authority where new dwellings in the countryside are normally resisted unless they can be shown to be justified by agricultural need .
12 The danger consists in imagining some essence of Christianity , for example , that , because it may be shown to be immune to scientific criticism today , is assumed always to have existed and therefore , properly understood , is always impervious to criticism .
13 Discrimination in education , as in other spheres covered by the Act such as employment ( see Chapter 9 ) is also permissible if it can be shown to be ‘ justifiable ’ .
14 I have suggested that it can be shown to be fair or just to do so ; but this may not make it right if some other principle of greater weight is involved .
15 If it can be shown to be successful at bureau level then there are certainly grounds for extending it throughout the democratic structure of the CAB .
16 If it is possible to generalize from this at all , it is that presence of predator remains in a fossil assemblage gives no indication of method of origin of the assemblage , even if it can be shown to be accumulated by a predator .
17 Hinshaw makes a distinction between the ‘ cognitive ’ and ‘ evocative ’ contents of knowledge suggesting that the ‘ truth ’ , at the semantic and syntactic levels , can be considered in isolation from the social basis of knowledge in so far as it can be shown to be cognitive rather than evocative .
18 Increase in enamel thickness , but the enamel is even thicker than in afropithecins , as measured for the Pasalar sample , with relative enamel thickness of 19.71 ( ref. 47 ) , although it has yet to be measured for any of the African Kenyapithecus ; this character may be diagnostic of node 1A if it can be shown to be ancestral for both pongines and hominines ;
19 There are plans to put this programme on to videotape , so it can be shown to customers locally without the need for lengthy and expensive trips to the UK .
20 If it can be shown to the satisfaction of the jury that the defendant had the intention , he has very little opportunity to exculpate himself on the grounds that he lacked mens rea , as will be explained further presently .
21 As the solar luminosity rose some of this CO 2 would have been liberated , but it can be shown to be unlikely that sufficient CO 2 would be liberated to yield present conditions .
22 What was clearly stated was that the police have now powers as such to ban an event , unless it can be shown to be a public nuisance , and that they have no desire to fall out with all the local charities .
23 In contrast , if the supplier undertakes to use reasonable care to manufacture the machine in accordance with the agreed specification , it could be argued that the supplier is only liable for any departure from the specification if it can be shown to be due to negligence .
24 Justification by inference is conditional justification only ; A's justification is conditional upon the justification of B and C. But if all inferential justification is conditional in this sense , then nothing can be shown to be actually , non-conditionally justified .
25 Mrs Thatcher , a recent convert to environmental conservation , clearly held the opinion that environmental problems are not only soluble but that solving them can be shown to be cost-effective :
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