Example sentences of "[pron] [pers pn] [verb] be [det] " in BNC.

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1 Some decided that they would not pay the poll tax , but the people about whom I worry are those such as the elderly lady suffering from a form of senile dementia who came to me because she was being harassed about the poll tax .
2 ‘ But despite his faults — which I confess were many — he was adept at killing .
3 Which I know is all a lot of money and let me just tell you here , what we have spent this year on advertising .
4 Erm within the six to ten mile band there are just two er fairly small er areas er which I believe are both less than ten acres in extent .
5 which I think is that way
6 and proposals and I 'd like to start with a vote just to find out what kind of hundred this is , do you have a driving licence ? , button one for yes and button two for no seventy two of this hundred have a driving licence which I think is some way above the National average , let me ask you do you have the use of a car or other vehicle whenever you want it ? , button one for yes and button two for no and of seventy two er licence holders , sixty three have the use of a car which again I think is some way over the National average , now what cars do you have ? , now let see what people are driving here there
7 Ken commented earlier that er er prior to the Financial Services Act coming into force which I think was some time in nineteen eighty-eight , the er D T I was responsible and there come back to the D T I if these sort of things had applied and er compensation effectively by the D T I for mal-administration or whatever so that er say we do n't pretend to be pension experts , so any retrospection that I would suggest might well be appropriate as at the date of the Financial Services Act becoming into force .
8 Which I suppose is some sort of ability
9 Anna thought about the needlework classes of her schooldays , in which she had been such a conspicuous non-success .
10 The hypocrite offers the gull a surface falseness which he penetrates to discover ‘ a truth ’ , but which we know is another falseness .
11 In such a circumstance a quantity rule has to be adopted in order to determine what actual output will be , and the one which we adopted was that actual output would equal the level of demand , thus obliging firms to produce and sell more than they initially considered optimal at the price set .
12 The major premise from which we start is that prenominal attribution and postnominal attribution involve , respectively , qualification and assignment .
13 Nevertheless the evidence which we have is enough to show that the situation in Merovingian Francia may not have been so very different from Visigothic Spain , where kings are well known to have been closely involved in the major ecclesiastical councils of the kingdom .
14 As Derek Hatton , Deputy Leader of Liverpool City Council put it , ‘ We 'd want to make sure that … those who are employed to manage and carry out the policies which we decide are those who are in general sympathy with those policies ’ ( Gyford , 1985b , p. 58 ) .
15 In Chapter 1 we argued that conscious awareness , the images and representations that people use to communicate with each other and the various forms of deliberate planning and foresight which they use are all partly a result of the myriad social relationships in which they are caught up , and partly a product of deep-rooted instincts and emotions .
16 The form of ‘ unofficial ’ war which they fought was more characteristic of brigandage and open robbery , but it would be wrong to assume that those who constituted the Companies were all , of necessity , men of criminal background or low degree .
17 The context in which they arose was that of the capitalist world economy and imperialism ; hence there has also been , in many of these movements a substantial socialist influence , and in some countries , notably in China , nationalist movements have culminated in a social revolution .
18 Few historians today place much trust in the sagas ( which apparently included a lost work on Cnut written c.1200 ) as sources for the eleventh century , but the verses which they quote are another matter .
19 Although devoted to his family and always kind to them , he expected and strongly pressed his only son to follow the legal and political career in which he had been such a brilliant success .
20 The air which he breathed was that of the famous treatise on the resting places of the old English saints , and of the days when , in Eadmer 's words , ‘ it was the custom of the English to prefer the patronage of the saints to every worldly aid ’ .
21 The modes which he adopted were such as to licence elisions and lacunae , to enable him to leave out bits of his life — a procedure which would seem to be connected with his scepticism about what can be known about people by biographers .
22 Such sharing of the superego constitutes what we call religion ; and the particular religious form which he assumed was that of the animal totem , a choice appropriate in the new hunting culture and a consequence of the fact that the primal father had been the last of the truly animal hominids .
23 Later , however , Thomas Cromwell was sympathetic to the Reformers ; indeed the policy which he pursued was that which Tyndale had advocated in The Obedience of a Christian Man — ‘ One King , one law in the realm : no class of men exempt from the temporal sword ’ .
24 Weekly cash wages payment is likely to rule out credit cards , bank loans and overdrafts , The forms of credit which it encourages are those involving weekly instalments : mail order , trading checks , tallymen and weekly credit callers .
25 Considering it was meant for children it was surprising how many of the characters were unpleasant , even Tinkerbell , whom she supposed was some sort of bad fairy .
26 As Pyke got me a half of bitter I stood there regarding the rows of inverted bottles behind the barman 's head , not looking at the other actors in the pub , who I knew were all staring at me .
27 References to the senior members from whom we learned were many and it is interesting that several who felt grateful for the quality of the intellectual challenge offered also , in retrospect , appreciated the problems of College and University in maintaining this when so many dons , male and female , had gone .
28 Yeah but I mean the times I 've seen her it 's been this end of town rather than that end of town .
29 You 're doing it for charity does it I mean is that
30 Well well the thing about it I suppose is that erm er then you 've got to take the exam have n't you ?
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